Lebanon - Reports

EGY - News

Egypt: Torture continuing despite post-revolution promises

EGY - News | 15 May 2013
Alkarama condemns the continuing practice of torture by Egyptian security forces despite the promises the government made following the 2011 revolution to respect the rights of its citizens, put an end to the practice of torture, and combat impunity by bringing those responsible to trial.

Egypt : Draft Demonstration Law restricts right to freedom of expression

EGY - News | 08 May 2013
Today, Alkarama called on the Egyptian Upper House (Shura Council) to review the articles of the draft law on public demonstrations which are contrary to international human rights norms relating to freedoms of expression, opinion, association and demonstration.

Egypt: Officials Turn Blind Eye to Port Said Police Abuses

EGY - News | 02 March 2013
Witnesses Describe Port Said Killings by Police

(Cairo, March 2, 2013) – The newly appointed investigative judge looking into the January violence in Port Said should fully examine police responsibility for unlawful killings during the episode, the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), the Alkarama Foundation, and Human Rights Watch said today. Forty-two people, including two police officers, died after a court, on January 26, 2013, recommended sentencing 21 Port Said residents to death for killings after a soccer match a year earlier. The confirmation of this sentence and verdict against the remaining 52 defendants is scheduled for March 9.

Egypt: Alkarama launches its report "Six months after suspension of emergency law: torture continues and security apparatus still operates with emergency mentality"

EGY - News | 18 February 2013
The Alkarama Foundation warmly invites you to attend the press conference launching its report analysing the evolution of the human rights situation in Egypt since the lifting of the Emergency Law on 31 May 2012.

The press conference will take place on Thursday 21 February 2013 in Cairo, Taha Hussein hall at the Journalists Syndicate, at 12:00 a.m.

Egypt: Law to "Protect revolutionary gains" . The government insists on passing an emergency law which grants total power to security agencies.

EGY - News | 16 October 2012
The Alkarama Foundation expresses its surprise and condemnation at the insistence of the Egyptian Government to pass an emergency law that would limits fundamental freedoms, as was the case in the emergency law proposed by the Justice Minister Ahmad Maki. The draft legislation, entitled "Protection of revolution gains" contains a number of problematic articles that would unjustly restrict fundamental freedoms.