Lebanon - Reports

EGY - News

Egypt: No Acknowledgment or Justice for Mass Protester Killings

EGY - News | 10 December 2013
Set Up a Fact-Finding Committee as a First Step

Thirteen Egyptian and international human rights organizations called on the Egyptian authorities today, on international Human Rights Day, to acknowledge, and seriously and thoroughly investigate the killing of up to 1,000 people by security forces dispersing Muslim Brotherhood sit-ins on August 14, 2013. The government has not established a public record of what occurred that day, and the Office of the Public Prosecutor has yet to investigate and hold members of security forces accountable for excessive and unjustified use of lethal force, the groups said. Egypt has a newly created Transitional Justice Ministry, but it has yet to take any meaningful steps toward truth-seeking and justice in relation to allegations of gross human rights violations by security forces over the past three years.

Egypt: Stop Unlawful Prison Trials

EGY - News | 22 November 2013
___ Alkarama today condemns a further Egyptian Minister of Justice move to hold a trial inside a prison rather than an official courthouse.

Egypt: Release 21 young female demonstrators illegally detained in Alexandria

EGY - News | 15 November 2013
Samia, Salwa and Sarah were amongst the 21 women arrested and beaten up by the police and the military in Alexandria on 31 October 2013. The young women, mostly university and school students aged between 15 and 18 years old, were chanting anti-army slogans. They are currently held in administrative detention pending investigation in Damanhour city as a consequence of the exercise of their right to freedom of peaceful assembly and expression. Alkarama calls for their immediate release and condemns the authorities' failure to uphold the right to freedom of expression. Alkarama also calls on the authorities to fulfill their promises to bring to justice those responsible for violations, including sexual abuse and arbitrary detention, of female demonstrators since the 2011 revolution.

Egypt: New Draft Law on Demonstrations Disregards Fundamental Rights Enshrined in International Conventions

EGY - News | 29 October 2013
The Egyptian authorities should amend the new draft law on demonstrations in public places before its adoption.

Alkarama is deeply concerned by the draft law on the "Organization of the Right to Public Assembly, Processions and Peaceful Demonstrations in Public Places" – known as 'the Demonstration Law' - which falls short of Egypt's international human rights obligations regarding the right to assembly. The draft law places unduly restrictions on the right to demonstrate and protest peacefully in Egypt and is open to grave abuses by the Egyptian authorities. Its adoption should be delayed and the law modified to reflect international standards.

Egypt: Urgent Appeal to the UN regarding Arbitrary Detention of President Mohamed Morsi

EGY - News | 15 July 2013
On 10 July, Alkarama presented the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention with the case of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi 'Isa al-'Ayat, arrested and arbitrarily detained since his overthrow by the Army on 3 July 2013.

Also arrested with him were his staff, including Dr. Ahmad 'Abd-al-'Ati, Dr. 'Isam al-Hadad, Mr. Khalid al-Qazaz, Mr. 'Abd-al-Majid Mishali, Mr. As'ad al-Shaykhah, and Dr. Ayman 'Ali. All of them were detained, apparently under "house arrest", but in a location that remains unknown.