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EGY - News

Egypt: Five years after its first Universal Periodic Review, Promises Still Fall Short

EGY - News | 14 March 2014

Today, Alkarama submitted its report in view of the second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Egypt, which will take place during the UPR Working Group's 20th session in October-November 2014. This review aims to assess the human rights record of all United Nations Member States every four years.

Egypt was reviewed by the Human Rights Council in 2010 in the framework of the first cycle (see Alkarama's first UPR report), during which it accepted numerous recommendations, including bringing its laws in line with international standards.

Egypt: First Journalists Referred to Military Courts since New Constitution

EGY - News | 24 February 2014

The trial of Amro El-Qazaz and Islam El Homsy, two Egyptian journalists working for the online news outlet "Rassd" (the monitor), opened today before the Misdemeanour Military Court of North Cairo. This is the first referral of civilians to a military court since the new Egyptian constitution entered into force on 18 January 2014. "We are very concerned by the current persecution against journalists and the use of military courts to clamp down on individuals lawfully exercising their rights under international law", said Alkarama.

Egypt: 22 women demonstrators tortured and forced to undergo virginity tests

EGY - News | 08 March 2014

EGY Protestors AFP

Twenty-two peaceful women demonstrators*, aged between 17 and 22 year old, were arrestedbetween 28 and 30 December 2013 on the campus of Al Azhar University in Cairo, severely tortured and forced to undergo virginity tests. They are now being unlawfully detained in Al Qanater Prison. Today, Alkarama solicited the intervention of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture to intervene with the Egyptian authorities to obtain their immediate release and provide them with reparation for their abuse.

Egypt: Killing of Demonstrators Continues Unhindered on the 3rd Anniversary of Revolution

EGY - News | 30 January 2014

On 24 and 25 January, 106 demonstrators and bystanders were unlawfully killed in Egypt when the police and army used excessive force to quell protests against the Egyptian government. Most of the deaths occurred on 25 January 2014, which marked the third anniversary of the Egyptian revolution. Alkarama again urges the Egyptian authorities to respect the right to peaceful protest, as they are bound to do under international law, and prevent arrests and extrajudicial killings of peaceful protestors.

Egypt: The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention finds the detention of former Egyptian president Morsi arbitrary and requests his immediate release

EGY - News | 21 December 2013
On 10 July 2013, Alkarama brought to the attention of the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention the case of deposed president Mohamed Morsi and his advisors and requested an opinion from the working group on this matter.