Lebanon - Reports

EGY - News

Egypt: Fourteen people sentenced to death following an unfair trial

EGY - News | 15 August 2012
The accused avoided a military court, only to be brought before a harsher exceptional court

The State Security Supreme Emergency Court in Ismailia, headed by Judge Hasan Mahmoud Farid, sentenced 14 individuals accused of being members of the "Tawhid and Jihad" group to death and referred them to the mufti on Tuesday 14 August. They were accused of attacking a police station in al-Arish and killing police and military officers during June and July of last year.

Egypt is a Military State ! The Minister of Justice Decree authorizes Military Police and Military Intelligence of the Judicial Arrest of Civilians

EGY - News | 13 June 2012
The Decree provides a Worse a
lternative than the State of Emergency.

The below signatories organizations express a severe shock and absolute rejection for the Minister of Justice decree No. 4991 for the year 2012 which was published in the official newspaper today 13/6/2012 as it gives authority to officers, noncommissioned officers of military intelligence and military police of judicial arrest of civilians for their crimes (non-military ones).

Egypt: UN body declares the trial of Mr Maikel Nabil Sanad illegal, and asks for his release and compensation

EGY - News | 18 November 2011
The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) adopted Opinion 50/2011 on 2 September 2011, following the complaint lodged by Alkarama against the Egyptian authorities regarding the arrest and trial of Mr Sanad, who was tried before a military court which sentenced him to three years jail on 10 May 2011.

Egypt: Detainees at New Valley Prison begin an open-ended hunger strike

EGY - News | 08 March 2012
Alkarama is concerned by the increasing number of cases of arbitrary detention and torture it has received and the ongoing application of the Emergency Law on citizens from Egypt, despite the 2011 revolution which saw the overthrow of the former Mubarak regime.

Egypt: Release of 9 civilians detained and tried before military court

EGY - News | 29 February 2012
Nine civilians tried before military courts have been released following a pardon on 25 January 2012 by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forced (SCAF). Given the unlawful nature of their detention, Alkarama submitted their cases to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) on 11 October 2011.