LBN - News

Lebanon: UN subcommittee on prevention of torture visits Lebanon

LBN - News | 04 February 2010
Today, 4 February 2010, the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture begins its visit to Lebanon. Alkarama will be participating in the workshops and meetings organized by the OHCHR in Lebanon in the framework of this visit. Alkarama has already submitted to the Subcommittee specific information about the conditions in prisons and in particular the grave issue of torture in Lebanon.

Lebanon: Egyptian refugee dies in Rashaya prison under unclear circumstances

LBN - News | 29 January 2010
On the morning of 25 January 2010, local newspapers in Lebanon reported news of the death of an UNHCR-recognized Egyptian refugee by the name of Mahmoud Salama (56) in Rashaya prison on 23 January 2010. He died after suffering a heart attack according to security reports.

Lebanon: Government Misses UN Deadline on Torture Prevention - Consider Proposal Commissioned by Justice Ministry

LBN - News | 23 December 2009
(Beirut, 23 December 2009) - Lebanon has missed a 22 December 2009, deadline for setting up a national institution to prevent torture, a group of Lebanese and international human rights organizations said today. The government should move quickly to consider a proposal commissioned by the Justice Ministry that would address the issue, the groups said.

Lebanon : Three Syrians, one Lebanese national tortured

LBN - News | 27 October 2009
Early today, Alkarama submitted the cases of four torture victims to the special Rapporteur on Torture. Two of the four detainees have not yet received a final judgment and concerns are that false confessions extracted under torture may be used during their trials.

Lebanon: Torture and trial of civilians by military courts

LBN - News | 04 September 2007
On the 3 September 2007, Alkarama for Human Rights sent details of ten cases of severe torture and inhuman and degrading treatment that occurred in Lebanon in the months of March and April 2007 to the Special Rapporteur on torture.