LBN - News

Lebanon : Lebanese refugee risks torture following forced return from Bulgaria

LBN - News | 01 December 2010
Youssef Kayed

Alkarama has learned of the forced return of Mr Youssef Kayed from Bulgaria to Lebanon last Saturday, 27 November 2010, where he risks torture and ill-treatment at the hands of the Lebanese authorities.

Mr Kayed, 39 years old, and a mechanic, was living in Lebanon before leaving to seek refugee status in Europe after suffering persecution in Lebanon. While his first request for asylum in Bulgaria was rejected, Mr Kayed was in the process of appealing the decision in November 2010 on the basis that he would face torture and ill-treatment upon forced return to Lebanon. On 27 November 2010, without warning and before getting any decision concerning his appeal, Mr Kayed was returned to Lebanon alongside two other individuals.

Lebanon: Saudi detainee forced to sign confessions under torture

LBN - News | 01 December 2010
Mr Mohamed Al Swaid, was arrested on 17 November 2007, detained incommunicado and seriously tortured by the Information Branch (IB). Mr Al Swaid, a Saudi citizen aged 42, is married with four children and usually resides with his family in the Bchamoun area, south of Beirut.

Lebanon: Continued Practice of Torture by Security Forces

LBN - News | 01 November 2010

On 1 November 2010, Alkarama submitted seven new cases of torture in Lebanon to the newly appointed Special Rapporteur on Torture Mr. Juan Méndez. These seven cases took place between 2006 and 2010. All of these allegations are related to very young victims: one was 17 at the time of the violation and all were under 25. The victims include individuals accused of links to terrorist cells, but also one charged with common criminal accusations.

Lebanon: Human Rights Council Reviews Lebanon

LBN - News | 31 October 2010
The Human Rights Council meets on 9 November 2010 to proceed with the Universal Periodic Review of Lebanon. Alkarama presented a report in this context.

Lebanon: Human Rights Groups Call for Draft Torture Law Approval

LBN - News | 23 July 2010
On Thursday 22 July 2010, in an open letter addressed to the Lebanese Minister of Justice, Dr. Ibrahim Najjar, Lebanese and International Human Rights NGOs appealed for an urgent approval of a draft law for the establishment of the National Preventative Mechanism (NPM), in accordance with the Optional Protocol of the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT).