LBN - News

Lebanon: Prisoners held under cruel conditions in Roumieh Prison

LBN - News | 25 October 2010
Since 8 November 2009, more than 30 prisoners are still detained under inhumane conditions in E Block of the Juvenile Building, Roumieh Central Prison.

Lebanon: 92 detained in Nahr Al-Bared affair since 2007

LBN - News | 17 February 2011

The Geneva-based Alkarama Foundation and the Union of Muslim Human Rights Activists in Lebanon addressed a detailed communication to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention regarding the arbitrary detention of 92 detainees held in Roumieh prison during the past three years.

Lebanon: Former torture victim released following threat of unfair trial; other trial ongoing

LBN - News | 21 January 2011
Alkarama commends the release of Mr Hassan Kayed, a Palestinian living in Lebanon. Mr Kayed was released following a court decision acquitting him on 31 December 2010. However, he remains at risk of unfair trial in another court case.

Lebanon: Seven men severely tortured while in custody of security forces

LBN - News | 01 November 2010
On 1 November 2010, Alkarama sent seven new torture cases to the Special Rapporteur on Torture. The seven cases allegedly took place between 2006 and 2010. All the victims were under-25 and one of them was only 17. Six of the seven victims are accused of having links to terrorist cells inside Lebanon, while only one of them is held on regular criminal charges.

Lebanon: Kuwaiti Citizen Risks Torture if Extradited to Iraq

LBN - News | 09 December 2010
Alkarama has been informed that Mr Mohamed Al Dosari, a Kuwaiti citizen who he is currently detained in Lebanon, could be extradited to Iraq where he risks being torture. On 9 December 2010, Alkarama submitted his case to the Special Rapporteur on torture in order to inform the Lebanese authorities of his case and to remind them of their obligations under the Convention Against Torture.