LBN - News

Lebanon: Further torture and trial of civilians by military courts

LBN - News | 13 September 2007
Alkarama for Human Rights submitted the cases of 9 people arrested, tortured and held incommunicado by the intelligence services at the Ministry of Defense in Beirut
to the Special Rapporteur on torture.

Lebanon: Secret detention and torture for Hashash brothers

LBN - News | 27 April 2009
Amer Hashash and his brother Mosbah Hashash were arrested on 16 November 2007 by agents of the intelligence services of the Directorate General of Internal Security Forces and were held incommunicado for 3 months during which they were victims of torture. Having since been transferred to the Roumieh prison, they are currently in detention awaiting trial before a court military.

Lebanon: Hearing on 24 April 2009 for 5 Syrians threatened with extradition

LBN - News | 24 April 2009
Al-Karama learned that five Syrian nationals arrested on 3 and 4 January 2006 by the Directorate General of Internal Security Forces will be tried and probably convicted today, 24 April 2009. It is feared that they will be deported to Syria where they risk torture and enforced disappearance.

Lebanon : Incommunicado and torture during 35 days for Mr Fadi Sabunah

LBN - News | 26 January 2009
Alkarama submitted a communication on 26 January 2009 to the Special Rapporteur on Torture asking him to intervene in the case of Mr Fadi Sabunah. Arrested on 5 October 2008, he was detained incommunicado for 35 days during which time he was tortured in order to extract a ‘confession' from him.

Lebanon: 12 people victim of incommunicado detention and torture

LBN - News | 19 January 2009
Alkarama has made a submission to the Special Rapporteur on Torture asking him to intervene in the case of 12 people arrested between the 30 December 2005 and 16 January 2006, then detained incommunicado and tortured. They have been waiting to be judged since then.