Press Releases

Alkarama launches its annual report 2009 at the Human Rights Council session in Geneva

Press Releases | 26 March 2010

As part of a seminar on "Human Rights in the Arab world", during the Human Rights Council's 13th session held at the Palais des Nations, Alkarama presented its annual report 2009.

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Morocco: Otman Babi reappears before judge at Rabat's Court of Appeals

MOR - News | 26 March 2010
Otman Babi, who was disappeared by security services officers after his arrest on 10 March 2010, has reappeared after being transferred to Salé and then appeared before the Investigating Judge at Rabat's Court of Appeals on 22 March 2010.

Syria: Haithem Al-Maleh denied medicine inside prison – His son, Iyas, calls for action during a visit with Alkarama

SYR - News | 23 March 2010

Last Friday, 19 March 2010, Alkarama met with Iyas Maleh, son of Haithem Al-Maleh, the 78 year-old Syrian lawyer and human rights defender who was abducted by the Syrian authorities on 14 October 2009 and then brought before a military court. Haithem Al-Maleh faces a possible sentence of up to 15 years, in a court which violates many of the guarantees to a fair trial. He has been denied his prescription medications for over a month now, causing a serious decline in his health. His son calls for people around the world to keep putting whatever pressure they can to ensure his father's release.

Yemen: Ahmed Bamuallim sentenced to 10 years imprisonment

YEM - News | 23 March 2010
Alkarama has just received news that Ahmed Bamuallim, former MP and a political opposition figure in Yemen, was sentenced on 23 March 2010 to ten years imprisonment by the Specialized State Security Court on charges of violating national unity.