Press Releases

Yemen: Hammam Al-Dobii's reappears, arrest confirmed

YEM - News | 10 April 2010
Alkarama has just learned that Hammam Al-Dobii, previously abducted on 22 March 2010, has reappeared inside Sana'a Political Security prison. Following his abduction he was to an unknown destination.

Lebanon: Mustafa Sayw and Kamal Al-Na'san trial adjourned to 18 June 2010

LBN - News | 09 April 2010
Today, 9 April 2010, the Justice Council Court concluded the trials of Mustafa Sayw and Kamal Al-Na'san; two of four persons whose cases Alkarama brought to the attention of the Special Rapporteur on Torture on 27 October 2009. It is feared that confessions extracted under torture were used against them in the trial. Among the four individuals whose cases Alkarama sent to the Special Rapporteur on Torture there was also Kamal Al-Na'san's brother, Malik Al-Na'san, who was freed after nine months in detention.

Syria: Haithem Al-Maleh's trial postponed until 22 April 2010

SYR - News | 08 April 2010

Thursday 8 April 2010 marked the first public hearing in Haitham Al-Maleh's trial, case number 339/2010 of the Damascus Criminal Military Court, however proceedings were postponed until 22 April 2010 at Al-Maleh's request. Following questioning, Al-Maleh, a Syrian lawyer and human rights defender, told the Second Criminal Military Court that he was unable to receive private council at the refusal of prison authorities.

USA/Iraq: Omar Al-Utaibi disappeared - Iraqi authorities deny involvement

IRQ - News | 07 April 2010
Omar Al-Utaibi was arrested at an Iraqi-American military checkpoint in Al-Falouja on 31 January 2004 and has since disappeared. The Iraqi authorities denied holding him. He is the son of Issam Al-Utaibi, arrested and arbitrarily detained by the Jordanian authorities before being released in 2008; the UN later found his detention to be arbitrary.