Press Releases

Morocco: Khalid Etefia arrested after trying to visit his wife in jail

MOR - News | 04 May 2010
Khalid Etefia, who lives in France, was arrested by the Moroccan authorities on 8 February 2010 after arriving in Morocco, where he had planned to visit his wife Doha Aboutabit who has been detained since 3 December 2009. Both are currently held inside Salé prison.

Syria: Human Rights Defender, Abdul Rahman is disappeared by military intelligence

SYR - News | 03 May 2010
Abdul Abdul Hafiez Rahman, writer and human rights defender, was arrested on 2 March 2010 at his home by military intelligence agents in the presence of his family. He has disappeared since. He was arrested along with his colleague, Nadera Abdou , who works with him at "MAF", the Syrian Human Rights Organisation. She was later released on 6 March 2010.

Egypt: Ibrahim Moujahid twice tortured now illegally held at Damanhour prison

EGY - News | 28 April 2010
Ibrahim Mujahid was arrested on 8 March 2010 by security guards of Kwaisna Art Institute while he was putting up posters written by students in support the Al-Aqsa mosque (in Jerusalem). The guards led him to their office where they tied him up and severely beat him all over his body.

Egypt: Mahmoud El Sanussi tortured by police, now under administrative detention

EGY - News | 27 April 2010
On 29 March 2009, Mohamed El Sanussi Mahmoud was arrested by police officers in Cairo. He was taken to Shobra Al-Khayma police station where he was held without charge for six months and subjected to repeated bouts of torture.