Press Releases

USA: Arbitrary detention of three Sudanese nationals in Guantanamo Bay camps

Other Countries - News | 31 October 2008
Alkarama for Human Rights submitted, on 29 October 2008, a communication to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to inform them of the arbitrary detention of three Sudanese nationals in the U.S. military base at Guantanamo Bay. All three have meanwhile been released.

Libya: Mr. Mjber Abdaslam, arbitrarily detained for over 10 months

LBY - News | 23 October 2008
Alkarama submitted today a communication to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention asking it to intervene in the case of Mr. Mohamed Salem Mjber Abdaslam, arrested on 28 December 2007, disappeared for 8 months and detained arbitrarily.

Syria: Arbitrary detentions and killings in Sednaya prison

SYR - News | 22 October 2008
Alkarama today submitted to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention the cases of Messrs Mustapha Kamel Houriya aged 52, Ahmed Abdelkader Kerroum and Youcef Amar Dehnine, both aged 41 years.

Lebanon: Convictions as a result of "confessions" extracted under torture

LBN - News | 21 October 2008
Alkarama has received additional information about nine people about whom it had addressed, in September 2007, a communication to the Special Rapporteur on torture. Alkarama thus informed the Special Rapporteur on 16 October 2008 that these persons were tried by a military court on the basis of confessions obtained under torture.