Press Releases

Saudi Arabia: arbitrary arrest and detention of Dr. Matrouk al-Faleh

KSA - News | 07 June 2008
Alkarama for human Rights, June 7, 2008

On 6 June 2008, Alkarama and the Arab commission on human rights sent a communication to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and the Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression and the Special Representative for Human Rights Defenders, asking them to intervene in the case of Dr. Al-Faleh, who was arrested on 19 May 2008.

Saudi Arabia: detention of lawyer and human rights activist, Saad bin Zair

KSA - News | 02 June 2008
Alkarama for Human Rights, June 2, 2008

Alkarama wrote a communication to the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders on 30 May 2008 to remind them of the situation of Mr. Saad bin Zair, arrested by the intelligence services on 10 April, 2007 and arbitrarily detained since this time. (See Alkarama’s press release)

Yemen: Release of Mr. Adel Al Shahrani

YEM - News | 01 June 2008
Alkarama for Human Rights, 1 June 2008

Alkarama has learned that Mr. Adel Yahia Yahia Al Shahrani was released on May 27, 2008. He was arrested and held incommunicado by the intelligence services (Al Amn Assiyassi) in Sanaa since August 15, 2007 and has not been the subject of any legal procedure.

Libya: The case of Abdeladim Benali submitted to The Human Rights Committee

LBY - News | 31 May 2008
Alkarama for Human Rights, May 31, 2008

On 30 May 2008, ALKARAMA for Human Rights and TRIAL (Track Impunity Always) jointly submitted an individual communication to the UN Human Rights Committee regarding the case of Mr. Abdelalim Benali, a victim of serious violations of human rights by the Libyan authorities.