Press Releases

PAL/ISR - News

Alkarama Launches Public Report on the "2014 Operation Protective Edge: Violating the Laws of War"

PAL/ISR - News | 17 March 2015

Geneva, 17 March 2015

Today, Alkarama launched its public report on Israel's 2014 "Operation Protective Edge" during a side-event to the 28th session of the Human Rights Council organised by the Khiam Rehabilitation Centre for Victims of Torture. Based on first hand-evidence submitted to the United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry on the Gaza conflict, the report argues that the violations of international humanitarian law committed by Israel last summer constitute war crimes and may even amount to crimes against humanity due to their widespread scale and systematic pattern. Alkarama thus calls upon all stakeholders to support the investigation opened by the International Criminal Court so that the perpetrators are held responsible for their crimes. The report documents 62 assaults that left 280 civilians dead and destroyed numerous civilian objects, including schools and hospitals.


Palestine/Israel: "And Then There Were None" - New Reprisals Against the Issawi Family

PAL/ISR - News | 19 December 2014

On 18 December 2014, less than a week after Layla and Tarek Issawi's return from Geneva where they had gone to receive the 2014 Alkarama Award for Human Rights Defenders on behalf of their daughter, Shireen, still detained by Israel, their youngest son, Shadi, a law student, was re-arrested by the Israeli forces at a checkpoint. His arrest is part of a broad campaign of reprisals against the Issawi family.

2014 Alkarama Award Honours Palestinian Lawyer's Commitment to Non-Violence as the "Path to Peace"

PAL/ISR - News | 16 December 2014

Geneva, 13 December 2014

On 11 December 2014, the Alkarama Foundation presented its 6th annual Award for Human Rights Defenders in the Arab world to Palestinian human rights lawyer and activist, Shireen Issawi, in recognition of her courage and bravery in defending Palestinian prisoners and advocating for their rights. The ceremony held at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva focused on the Palestinian people's strategy of non-violent resistance, a story largely under-reported in the mainstream media.


Israel: Human Rights Committee Expresses Several Concerns in its Concluding Observations

PAL/ISR - News | 07 November 2014

On 20 October 2014, the United Nations Human Rights Committee (HRC) considered Israel's fourth periodic report. On this occasion, important issues were discussed, leading the HRC to issue its Concluding observations and recommendations to be implemented by Israel over the next four years.

Israel: International Human Rights Obligations are “Not a Matter of Auto-Interpretation”

PAL/ISR - News | 24 October 2014

On 20 October 2014, the United Nations Human Rights Committee (HRC) reviewed Israel's fourth periodic report at its 122th session held in Palais Wilson, Geneva. The review, which aims at assessing a State's implementation of the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) takes the form of a day-long interactive dialogue between the State's authorities and the UN independent experts. Although the HRC will issue its Concluding Observations on 31 October, including recommendations to be implemented by Israel, it already clearly emerged from the review that Israel was not fully complying with the ICCPR, as expressed by the Committee's Chair, Sir Nigel Rodley, before declaring the session closed: "the Covenant is not a matter of auto-interpretation by every State."