Press Releases

PAL/ISR - News

Palestine: Israeli attack on aid flotilla in international waters leads to human rights violations

PAL/ISR - News | 31 May 2010
Alkarama has received preliminary information that several individuals have died and others have been wounded aboard one of the ships belonging to the "Freedom Flotilla", the Turkish MV Mavi Marmara. Israeli Defense Forces boarded the ship at 4am on 31 May 2010, while the ship was still in international waters, en route to the port of Gaza on a humanitarian aid mission. Initial information indicates that 18 people were killed in the attacked and several more wounded. The Israeli navy has setup a naval blockade on the shores of Gaza which prevents any non-Israeli ships from entering the port, while also controlling the port of Ashdod in southern Israel.

Palestine: FREED - Human rights activist , Muhannad Salahat released from secret detention

PAL/ISR - News | 18 May 2010
On 10 May 2010,Palestinian authorities released human rights activist, Muhannad Salahat without charge. His release comes in the wake of his secret/incommunicado detention, during which he threatened and subjected to tortured, which eventually ended in an investigation of the Palestinian Human Rights Foundation (Monitor), a human rights organisation that investigates human rights violations in Palestinian Occupied Territories, for whom he is a representative in Jordan. Muhannad Salahat is still subject to a travel ban despite his release, which raises further fears that he may be re-arrested or disappeared.

Occupied Palestinian Territories – Harassment, arbitrary arrest and incommunicado detention of Muhannad Salahat, Palestinian Human Rights Defender

PAL/ISR - News | 05 May 2010

salahat321 Muhannad Salahat, a 29 year old human rights defender from Palestine, was disappeared by the Palestinian Authority Intelligence services in Nablus last Saturday, 1 May 2010. Since 2007, Muhannad has been working with the Palestinian Human Rights Foundation (Monitor) exposing human rights violations and the deteriorating humanitarian and security situation in the West Bank and Jordan. He has been repeatedly harassed, slandered and detained by the Palestinian Authorities' security forces without ever been charged or tried for any crimes. Alkarama has informed the United Nations human rights mechanisms of Muhannad's situation and called for them to take immediate action.

Palestine: Freedom of speech and expression in Palestine under the spotlight

PAL/ISR - News | 22 February 2010

The unjust sentence issued against journalist, Tariq Abu Zayd must be lifted. He and fellow detainee journalists Yazid Khedr, Moaz Asaluady, Mohammed Besharat, Mustafa Sabri should be immediately released from Security Services prisons in the West Bank.

Israel: Extrajudicial executions of 11 members of the Deeb family.

PAL/ISR - News | 02 April 2009
During the Israeli military aggression on the Gaza Strip between 27 December 2008 and 18 January 2009, called "Operation Cast Lead", 1417 Palestinians were killed, of which 926 were civilians, according to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights.