28 July 2011

Syria: Systematic pattern of enforced disappearance

Alkarama is seriously concerned about the repression of peaceful demonstrators and other activists who are often victims of enforced disappearance following their arrest by the Syrian security services. We also fear for their wellbeing as they face an ongoing risk of torture and ill-treatment during their enforced disappearance and they are also deprived of all fundamentals rights. In fact, a systematic pattern seems to be appearing of enforced disappearance and torture of Syrian demonstrators following their arrests.

On 26 July 2011, Alkarama submitted to the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances a further case of three individuals who were arrested in the context of the peaceful demonstrations.

We referred to the following individuals:

Mr Mahmoud Wannoseh ( (محمود ونوسة, is aged 40 years and usually lives in Hamorieh, Reef Damascus. He works as a farmer. On 21 June 2011, agents of the Syrian Political Service who were searching for Mr Wannoseh, followed him in a car and then knocked him off his motorcycle in Jesser Ghisreen, Hamorieh. Then the agents, who were wearing civilian clothes, took Mr Wannoseh to an unknown location.

Mr Hussein Toma ( (حسين طعمة, is aged 43 years and usually lives at Al Hara Al Sharikieh, Hamorieh, Reef Damascus, Syria. He is married and works as an agricultural engineer. On 21 June 2011, Mr Toma was also knocked off his motorcycle by the Syrian Political Service in Jesser Ghisreen in order to arrest him. The agents of the Syrian Political Service, who were wearing civilian clothes, then took Mr Toma to an unknown location.

It is believed that the arrest and the enforced disappearance of the above mentioned individuals is due to their alleged participation in the recent peaceful demonstrations calling for democratic change and an end to repression in Syria.

The Syrian security services refused to officially acknowledge the detention of these individuals or to provide any information on their whereabouts. Alkarama urges the Syrian authorities to ensure that the above mentioned individuals are released or placed under the protection of the law as quickly as is possible.

The international community should take action on behalf of the Syrian people and communicate to the Syrian government that their acts are contrary to international and domestic law. The international community should further ensure that the Syrian authorities immediately cease all further human rights violations as set out in Human Rights Council Resolution S-16/1.

Oman - HR Instruments

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)


Convention against Torture (CAT)


International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance (CED)


Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

Last review: 11.2011 (1st cycle)
Next review: 2015 (2nd cycle)

National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)

National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) – Status B

Last review: 11.2013
Next review: -