18 June 2013

Algeria: Human Rights Activist from M'sila Threatened by the DRS

On 16 June, Algerian human rights activist Smail Ghellab was threatened by a local agent from the Intelligence and Security Department (DRS). Smail also works as a journalist for the daily newspaper El Watan and is president of the M'Sila section of the Ligue Algérienne de la defense des droits de l'Homme (Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights.)
In the framework of his human rights activities, Smail Ghellab recently documented several cases of serious human rights violations in his region, including that of Mustapha Chouia's, who was held in secret detention and tortured. Ghellab sent us information on the abuse suffered by the victim in order that it be submitted to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture.

"Mind your own business.... ". On 16 June 2013, a fellow journalist visited Smail to deliver this message he had received for him from the DRS. The latter reportedly referred explicitly to the documentation work Smail had done on behalf of Mr Chouia.

This "messenger" added that the DRS agent wanted him to know that "his phone calls were being taped" and that "he was under strict surveillance".

The acts of intimidation to which Mr Ghellab is currently being subjected are only aimed at preventing him from carrying out his human rights activities, a right that is ensured by the Algerian constitution.

Concerned by the increase in cases of harassment and persecution of human rights activists by DRS agents acting illegally, Alkarama informed the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders of this new case today.

Mauritania - HR Instruments

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

ICCPR: Accessed on 17.11.2004
Optional Protocol: No

State report: Due on 01.11.2017 (2nd)
Last concluding observations: 20.11.2013

Convention against Torture (CAT)

CAT: Accessed on 17.11.2004
Optional Protocol: Yes
Art. 20 (Confidential inquiry): No
Art. 22 (Individual communications): No

State report: Due on 31.05.2017 (2nd)
Last concluding observations: 18.06.2013

International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance (CED)

CED: Ratified on 03.10.2012
Art. 33 (Inquiry procedure): Yes

State report: Overdue since 03.11.2014
Last concluding observations: N/A

Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

Last review: 11.2010 (1st cycle)
Next review: 2015 (2nd cycle)

National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)

Commission Nationale des Droits de l'Homme (CNDH) – Status A

Last review: 05.2011
Next review: 2016