Home » Lebanon » Reports » EGY - News » Egypt: Ensure Fair, Impartial and Independent Justice for Unlawfully Detained and Killed Journalists
In the course of the military takeover in July and August 2013, many journalists had been arrested and some killed during the events on the two aforementioned squares, only because they were covering the developments. Alkarama had documented numerous cases of these arbitrary deaths and arrests to several United Nations bodies, including to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) and the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression (FREDEX), inviting them to take measures with the authorities.
Following Alkarama's communication, several United Nations procedures had sent an urgent appeal to the Egyptian authorities regarding these deaths and arrests to which the authorities' answer only acknowledged that the journalists who were covering events had no authorisation to do so, even though they were professionals and the authorities admitted the journalists' deaths but did not take further actions about it.
As of today and as for the entire Raba'a and El Nahda Squares' massacre, no independent and impartial investigation has been launched into their deaths and the officers responsible for these gross human rights violations have not been prosecuted. The Commission established by the authorities has confirmed in its report the official statements, demonstrating its lack of independence from the executive branch. As a consequence, the victims' families have still not obtained justice, 545 days after their respective losses.
Alkarama recalls that the United Nations has adopted several resolutions on the right to truth, including resolution 68/185 of 2013 that encourages States to investigate and prosecute perpetrators of human rights violations through appropriate mechanisms. In this sense, the crimes perpetrated on 14 August 2013 shall not remain unpunished, regardless of the people responsible for it and the support they receive from actors of the international community.
Because of the Egyptian authorities' indifference, Alkarama renews its call to the international community to establish an international commission of inquiry into the crime against humanity perpetrated on 14 August 2013 which resulted in the arbitrary killing of at least 985 individuals according to the organisation's figures.