Egypt: Alkarama Alerts the UN of the Disappearance of a Medical Student

EGY - News | 16 September 2016

On 14 September 2016, Alkarama referred the case of Abdelrahman Gamal Mohamed Ahmed, an Egyptian medical student who disappeared on 25 August, to the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID). That day, Gamal Mohamed Ahmed was abducted by members of the National Security Agency at 6th of October City, Giza Governorate, and has since gone missing, with the authorities so far refusing to provide information on his fate and whereabouts. His case adds to the thousands of disappearances that occurred in the country, including the recent disappearance of a lawyer in the Giza Governorate.

Iraq: Disappearance of Four Men of the Janabi Family From Latifiya since October 2014

IRQ - News | 15 September 2016

On 13 October 2014 at 9 am, a group of several officers of the Iraqi security forces broke in the house of Mohamad Janabi in Latifiya, Babil governorate, and arrested him together with his son Najim his uncle Ahmad Janabi and the latter’s son Mehdi. Brought away to an unknown location, their relatives remain unaware of their fate and whereabouts almost two years after their abduction. Concerned over their disappearance, Alkarama and Al Wissam Humanitarian Assembly submitted their case to the United Nations Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED) in the hope that its experts’ intervention will help shed light on their fate and whereabouts.

Iraq: A 67-Year-Old Disappears After His Arrest by the Police and Militiamen

IRQ - News | 15 September 2016

On 8 June 2014, Dawood Al Issawi was in his home with his family when a patrol of police officers and militia men broke in, arrested him and took him to an unknown location. This was the last time his family saw him, as he remains unforcedly disappeared until today. Concerned over his fate, Alkarama and Al Wissam Humanitarian Assembly sent a communication to the United Nations Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED), hoping that this treaty body − a committee of independent experts that monitors implementation of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICPPED) by its State parties − could help locate him.

Jordan: Professor Qourshah Released After Three Months in Detention for Acts of Free Speech

JOR - News | 15 September 2016

On 6 September 2016, Amjad Qourshah was released from Jweida prison after almost three months of detention without due process. Concerned over the fact that Qourshah was held in detention solely for having criticized Jordan's participation to the international coalition against the Islamic State (IS) lead by the USA. On 15 July 2016, Alkarama had seized the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression (SR FRDX), David Kaye, asking him to urgently intervene with the Jordanian authorities to request his immediate release.

Libya: Retired Judge and Tripoli Parliamentarian's Released after two years of inhumane conditions

LBY - News | 06 September 2016

A retired judge, Suleiman oud Zoubi, former member of the Libyan General National Congress (GNC), was released on 4 September 2016. He was abducted in 2014 by the Barag Al Nasser militia from Zintan, which were at the time loyalists to the Libyan armed forces. He was held in solitary confinement and subjected to torture and ill-treatment. Alkarama had sent a communication to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) and other Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council (HRC) concerning his case.

Syria: A 17-Year-old Student Abducted by the Kurdish People’s Protection Unit

SYR - News | 05 September 2016

On 1 March 2015, Moshen Al Hinnawi was running away from the fights between the Kurdish forces of the People's Protection Unit (YPG) and the Islamic State (IS) in the surroundings of his village in Al Hasakah governorate in Syria, when reached a YPG military checkpoint, where he was arrested. After this, his family lost track of him and their inquiries with the Kurdish authorities were ignored. As Al Hinnawi remains disappeared to date, Alkarama and Human Rights Guardians referred his case to the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic (CoI Syria).

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