Syria: Five Men Disappear Following Their Arrest at Checkpoints Between 2012 and 2016

SYR - News | 30 September 2016

On 10 August 2016, Alkarama and Human Rights Guardians wrote to the United Nations Working Group on Enforced Disappearances (WGEID) regarding the cases of five men arrested at checkpoints by members of security forces – one by the State Security Forces, and four by the Military Security – between 2012 and 2016. They all remain disappeared since and their families, despite several steps taken, remain with little or no information of their fate and whereabouts.

Egypt: Disappearance of a Medical Student Following His Abduction by the Homeland Security

EGY - News | 30 September 2016

On 30 September 2016, Alkarama alerted the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID) of the case of Ahmed Abdelrahman Ahmed Youssef Mabrouk, an Egyptian medical student who disappeared on 6 September. That day, Mabrouk was abducted by members of the Homeland Security at the University Hospital of 6th of October City, Giza Governorate, and has since gone missing, with the authorities denying any implication in his abduction and refusing to disclose his whereabouts. His case adds to the thousands of disappearances that occurred in the country, including the recent disappearances earlier this month, of a lawyer and another student in the Giza Governorate.

Egypt: New NGO Draft Law Further Undermines Fundamental Human Rights

EGY - News | 29 September 2016

On 8 September 2016, the Cabinet of Egypt approved an alarming draft NGO law that is currently under review by the Egyptian Council of State. In light of the worrisome content of the draft law that violates both the Constitution and international human rights instruments, on 29 September 2016, Alkarama sent a communication to the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association (SR FPAA). The letter first informs the Special Rapporteur of the draft law problematic provisions, such as the strict control of National Security Services over the funds and activities of associations, and requested his urgent intervention with the Egyptian authorities to prevent this draft law from being enacted as long as it does not comply with international human rights law.

Morocco: Submission of Alkarama’s Report on the Human Rights Situation in View of the State’s Next Universal Periodic Review

MOR - News | 28 September 2016

On 22 September 2016, Alkarama submitted its report on Morocco’s human rights situation to the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) in view of its third Universal Periodic Review (UPR), which will be held in May 2017. Despite the authorities’ tangible progress in the protection and promotion of human rights, some practices remain in violation of Morocco’s international obligations.

Algeria: Alkarama Expresses Concerns about the Country's Human Rights Record and Issues Recommendations to UN Member States

DZA - News | 27 September 2016

On 22 September 2016, Alkarama submitted its report on Algeria's human rights situation to the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) in view of the State's third Universal Periodic Review (UPR) which will be held in May 2017.

The main concerns raised by Alkarama include the ongoing serious violations of the detainees' most basic rights, the State's clear lack of cooperation with the UN human rights protection mechanisms, particularly in cases of enforced disappearances, the continued restriction on fundamental freedoms inherited from the 19-year-long state of emergency, and the human rights abuses committed in the context of the fight against terrorism. In its report, Alkarama suggests 18 recommendations to be addressed to Algeria in order to strengthen the authorities' respect for human rights.

Lebanon: A 23-year-old Syrian Refugee Reappears After a Month of Disappearance by the Military Intelligence

LBN - News | 26 September 2016

On 22 September 2016, Mohamad Al Souki, a Syrian refugee arrested in late August in Sir El Danniyeh, north of Lebanon, by officers of the Military Intelligence for “not possessing a valid Lebanese residence permit”, reappeared after a month of disappearance. That day, upon information received by a former detainee, a notary public went to the premises of the military police at the Military Court in Beirut and received official confirmation by the authorities that Al Souki was held there. On 20 September 2016, Alkarama had sent his case to the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID).

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