27 October 2009

Iraq: Reappearance of al-Dainy family and staff

Alkarama has received information from Iraq regarding the reappearance of seven individuals who were arrested and disappeared in connection with Mohammed al-Dainy, a well-known Iraqi human rights activist and Parliamentarian who visited Alkarama in Geneva in late October 2008 and then later disappeared in Iraq on 25 February 2009 along with members of his family and staff after denouncing human rights violations in Iraqi jails. Alkarama has been following his case and those of people arrested and disappeared in connection with Mr al-Dainy over seven months and has sent several urgent appeals to the various UN Special Procedures in the wake of enforced disappearances, reappearances, arbitrary arrests and extrajudicial killings linked with the case.

The following information has been provided to the UN:

Related articles

- Iraq: Extrajudicial execution of Hakki Ismail [24 August 2009]
- Iraq: Liberation of Mahmoud Farhan after four months of disappearance [21 July 2009]
- Iraq: Reappearance of MP Mohammad al-Dainy [30 May 2009]
- Iraq: Disapperance of 11 of Mohammed al-Dainy's family and staff [25 May 2009]
- Iraq: Enforced disappearance of Alaa al-Maliki [20 May 2009]
- Iraq: Enforced disappearance of Omar Jasem, Hossein Mansoor and Odey Mansoor [19 May 2009]
- Iraq: Enforced disappearance of Riyad Ibrahim Jassem [12 May 2009]
- Iraq: Update : Arrest and disappearance of Mr al-Dainy, Member of Iraqi Parliament [5 March 2009]
- Iraq : Arrest and abduction of Mr al-Dainy, Member of Iraqi Parliament [26 February 2009]

1. Odey Hassan Mansoor, aged 28 - Mohammad al-Dainy's cousin, who reappeared after his release on 16 July 2009 (his case was raised in Alkarama's urgent appeal to the WGEID on 13 May 2009)

2. Hossein Gattouf Mansoor, aged 38 - Mohammad al-Dainy's cousin, who reappeared after his release on 17 September 2009 (his case was raised in Alkarama's urgent appeal to the WGEID on 13 May 2009)

3. Omar Ibrahim Jasem, aged 20 - who was transferred to al-Ahdath Prison, a detention facility for minors in al-Eskan/Tobchi area on 30 September 2009 (his case was raised in Alkarama's urgent appeal to the WGEID on 13 May 2009). His family has been able to visit him several times since his transfer.

4. Hashem Kareem Ibrahim, aged 27 - who reappeared after his release on 18 May 2009 (his case was raised in Alkarama's urgent appeal to the WGEID on 20 May 2009)

5. Ahmed Majeed Kachkoul, aged 19 - who reappeared after his release on 15 July 2009 (arrested along with the group of 11 on 22 February 2009 - his case was raised in Alkarama's urgent appeal to the WGEID on 20 May 2009)

6. Ryad Ibrahim Jasem - Alkarama received updated information from inside an Iraqi prison regarding his whereabouts, where he is being detained incommunicado

7. Alaa Khayr Allah Al-Maliki - Alkarama received updated information from inside an Iraqi prison regarding his whereabouts, where he is being detained incommunicado

Despite the fortunate reappearance and release (in some cases) of the abovementioned persons, there are still 12 individuals arrested in connection with Mr. al-Dainy who remain disappeared:

1. Abbas Kazem Khamis, disappeared on 22 February 2009

2. Mahmoud Kareem Farhan, disappeared on 22 February 2009

3. Rahman Ahmed Kareem, disappeared on 22 February 2009

4. Wissam Ibrahim Jasem, disappeared on 22 February 2009

5. Farkad Jamal Taha Yassine, disappeared on 22 February 2009

6. Ali Adel Taha Yassine, disappeared on 22 February 2009

7. Shaker Al Bayati, disappeared on 22 February 2009

8. Haytham Khaled Barbooty, disappeared on 22 February 2009

9. Mahmoud Maksoud, disappeared on 22 February 2009

10. Mohamed Hussein Ghadban, disappeared on 22 February 2009

On 27 October 2009, Alkarama informed the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances and the Special Rapporteur on Torture of these reappearances, and also reminding them of those who remain disappeared. Alkarama's fears that they are suffering torture and ill-treatment have not subsided and the lack of information concerning their whereabouts is evidence of the precarious human rights situation that currently plagues Iraq.

Iraq - HR Instruments

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

ICCPR: Ratified on 25.01.1971
Optional Protocol: No

Last State report: 11.10.2013
Last concluding observations: 19.11.1997

Convention against Torture (CAT)

CAT: Accessed on 07.07.2011
Optional Protocol: No
Art. 20 (Confidential inquiry): Yes
Art. 22 (Individual communications): No

Last State report: 30.06.2014
Last concluding observations: 17.09.2015

International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance (CED)

CED: Accessed on 23.11.2010
Art. 33 (Inquiry procedure): Yes

Last State report: 26.06.2014
Last concluding observations: 18.09.2015

Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

Last review: 11.2014 (2nd cycle)

National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)

Independent High Commission for Human Rights (IHCHR) – Status B