Egypt - Reports

Press Releases

Symposium puts spotlight on human rights and arbitrary detention in Saudi Arabia

Press Releases | 08 December 2010

Human rights organisation Alkarama hosted a one-day symposium in London focusing on human rights and arbitrary detention in Saudi Arabia.

Participants agreed over Monday and Tuesday to work together to finalise a summary set of recommendations to the Saudi Arabian authorities on human rights and arbitrary detention in Saudi Arabia developed at the symposium.

Geneva: 20 NGOs adopt a statement on the Process of Strengthening the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Body System

Press Releases | 02 December 2010

Alkarama is pleased to announce that the NGO response to the Dublin Statement on the Process of Strengthening the UN human rights treaty body system has been adopted by a group of 20 international non-governmental human rights organisations, including Alkarama.

Syrian Haithem Al-Maleh to Receive 2010 Alkarama Award for Human Rights Defenders

Press Releases | 12 October 2010
Announcement marks first anniversary of his detention

12 October, 2010 - Geneva, Switzerland - Haithem Al-Maleh (هيثم المالح), prominent Syrian human rights defender and lawyer, will be the recipient of the Alkarama Award 2010 for Human Rights Defenders. The award will be presented on 10 December 2010 at the annual Alkarama Award for Human Rights Defenders, which will take place at the International Conference Centre ( in Geneva, Switzerland.


Alkarama launches its annual report 2009 at the Human Rights Council session in Geneva

Press Releases | 26 March 2010

As part of a seminar on "Human Rights in the Arab world", during the Human Rights Council's 13th session held at the Palais des Nations, Alkarama presented its annual report 2009.

Download the report

UN experts declare "secret detention might reach the threshold of a crime against humanity"

Press Releases | 28 January 2010
"Secret detention should be explicitly prohibited" recommends a major new study on secret detentions jointly published by several independent United Nations human rights experts; Special Rapporteurs, Manfred Nowak and Martin Scheinin and the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, on 27 January 2010. The stark reality which is evident upon reading the report is that despite secret detentions carried out in the name of the so called 'global war on terror' and notably that carried out by the CIA extraordinary rendition project - secret detention centres, particularly in the Arab world, have always existed.
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