Egypt - Reports

Press Releases

Former Guantanamo prisoners establish “Guantanamo Justice Center”

Press Releases | 30 July 2009
Geneva:  On 27 July 2009, the Guantanamo Justice Center (GJC) was officially established in Geneva, Switzerland. The GJC is a non-profit human rights organisation dedicated to the defense of the rights of prisoners of Guantanamo Bay. Headed by Sami Al-Haj (a former prisoner at Guantanamo Bay and now Head of Al-Jazeera's Human Rights Desk), it is officially inaugurated today (30 July 2009) in London during a press conference at the Frontline Club. The launch marks the creation of the first formal organization of its kind dedicated to the liberation, aid and legal protection of prisoners of Guantanamo Bay.

Alkarama is deeply concerned at ECOSOC precedent decision favouring repressive governments

Press Releases | 28 July 2009
Press Release.

Yesterday, 27 July 2009, the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) met in Geneva and considered the January 2009  report of the Committee on Non-governmental Organizations (ECOSOC-NGO Committee) and adopted a decision to suspend the consultative status of the non-governmental organization the Arab Commission for Human Rights (ACHR)  for one year.

UAE: Alkarama follows up cases and UPR pledges with a country visit

Press Releases | 19 May 2009

Members of Alkarama's legal department travelled to the United Arab Emirates from 11-16 April 2009. The purpose of the visit was to follow up on certain cases and to consider the human rights situation in the U.A.E in order to better understand and evaluate the situation in the country.

ECOSOC: Alkarama criticizes suspension recommendation

Press Releases | 29 January 2009
Today the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)-Non-Governmental Organisation Committee met in New York and recommended the suspension of the Arab Commission for Human Rights (ACHR) for one year, on a request by the Algerian Permanent Mission to the UN. Algeria's complaint was based on the appearance by the ACHR's Permanent Representative at the time, Mr Mesli, at the Human Rights Council session in Geneva on 10 June 2008. Mr Mesli is also the Legal Director in Alkarama. Alkarama is a Geneva-based human rights non-governmental organization (further information at end).

Alkarama Award

Press Releases | 24 June 2015
What is the Alkarama Award for Human Rights Defenders?

The Alkarama Award is a prize presented every year to an individual or an organisation that has significantly contributed to the promotion and protection of human rights in the Arab world. The prize-giving ceremony is held around Human Rights Day, 10 December.

Who is eligible for the Alkarama Award?

Any individual or organisation who has significantly contributed to the promotion and protection of human rights in the Arab world is eligible to receive the Alkarama Award for human rights defenders. Please submit your candidates here.

Who were the past recipients of the Alkarama Award?

For more information please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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