SYR - News

Syria: Leading member of the Syrian Democratic People's Party George Sabra disappeared for third time in 3 years

SYR - News | 09 August 2011
On 21 June 2011 Mr Georges Sabra was arrested for the third time in three years by armed agents from the security services. Leader of the main opposition party in Syria, he has suffered persecution in recent years, including arrest and enforced disappearance, the first time on 24 March 2010 and a second time on 10 April 2011. At present, a month after his second release on 10 May 2011, he was again disappeared by the Syrian authorities.

Syria : Mustafa Osso new target of persecution against lawyers

SYR - News | 10 August 2011
Alkarama is concerned to learn that Syrian human rights lawyer Mustafa Osso currently risks disciplinary action by the Syrian Bar Association's Al Hasaka Branch. The disciplinary action would be for critical statements he made in the media about the violent response of the authorities to protests happening in the country. An urgent appeal was therefore sent to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers highlighting these concerns and calling on her to take action on behalf of Mr Osso's.

Syria: Enforced disappearance of Mr Annas Darwish Ammar

SYR - News | 29 July 2011
Mr Ammar was arrested on 28 May 2011 from his home in Banias at 3pm by Military Security agent Issam Sayouh, who has previously worked alongside Mr Ammar's father in a refinery in Banias as a security agent for two years until the demonstration began.

Mr Ammar had already been arrested by Military Security when the army first entered the city at the beginning of the protests on 7 May 2011, but was released two days later.

Syria: School teacher disappeared by Air Intelligence agents

SYR - News | 01 August 2011

Mr Hasan Bitar ( (حسن بيطار is aged 34 and works as a teacher. He is married with two children and usually lives with his family in Daraya, outskirts of Damascus. On 19 July 2011, six agents of the Damascus Air Intelligence Branch, who were wearing civilian clothes, raided Mr Bitar's house. They then arrested Mr Bitar, in presence of his family and children, before taking him to an unknown location. During his arrest, these agents didn't present any judicial warrant nor did they give a reason for his arrest.

Syria: Risk of torture of Mr Awad Al Abbas, arrested to serve as a hostage in the context of peaceful demonstrations

SYR - News | 29 July 2011
Mr Awad Jassem Al Abbas ((عواد جاسم العباس, is aged 36 years and married with four children. He usually lives with his family in Al Dmaier, Reef Damascus, Syria. On 14 May 2011, about 50 agents of the Damascus Air Intelligence Branch raided Mr Al Abbas's house family in order to arrest his brother Mr Hussien Al Abbas, a political activist who has recently organized peaceful demonstrations on the outskirts of Damascus, but they didn't find him.
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