18 November 2015

Djibouti: Arbitrary Detentions Continue Despite Release of Some Minors

Djibouti Djibouti

Alkarama and the Djibouti Human Rights League (LDDH) call again on the Djiboutian authorities to release the opponents arrested in the recent months and arbitrarily detained since. While justice was done regarding the release request for five minors detained since their arrests in early November, many people, including Mahamoud Guedi Moussa, are still detained for having expressed their opposition to a fourth consecutive term of the current president.

On 12 November 2015, Alkarama and LDDH requested the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association (SR FPAA) for an urgent appeal concerning the dozens of arrests of real or alleged opponents to a fourth term of the president, including several minors.

Minors should not, according to Djiboutian law, be taken into custody and Mohamed Guireh Guelleh, Hamze Mohamed Fod, Aptidon Ayanleh Osman, Abdourachid Houssein Farah and Mohamed Aden Ahmed, aged between 13 and 15, were therefore rightly released on 16 November by the Djiboutian justice system after days of arbitrary detention during which they were deprived of their right to legal counsel and to receive visits from their families.

With regard to member of the Youth Opposition Movement (MJO), Mahamoud Guedi Moussa, who was violently arrested at his home on 2 November 2015 and appeared for trial on 15 November, the judge arbitrarily postponed his decision to 22 November, a new practice in a flagrante delicto case. Prosecuted for peacefully having protested his opposition to the authorities, he was beaten during his arrest and remains to date deprived of the right to see a doctor and receive visits. Mr Moussa was finally released on 22 November but given a year suspended prison sentence, a decision that was appealed by his lawyer, Zakaria Abdillahi Ali.

Alkarama and LDDH also received reports indicating that the young students from the city of Ali Sabieh in the northeast of Djibouti arrested on 8 November − Hamza Mahamed Robleh, Ainan Absieh Omar, Apditon Omar Aden, Ali Daher Abdillah, Aden Djama Robleh, Abdo Sougueh Kalab and Yacin Mahamoud Omar – were meant to benefit from a decision of discharge, which remains unimplemented to date by the authorities. Arbitrarily detained in the Gabode prison in harsh conditions, they have not been able to see their families or their lawyer, Mr Abdillahi Ali.

Alkarama and the Djibouti Human Rights League (LDDH) are alarmed by the current situation in Djibouti and call on the authorities to cease intimidation against and arrests of opponents and civil society and to allow transparent and democratic dialogue in the country for the presidential elections. The two organisations therefore call again on the authorities to release the above-mentioned persons and to ensure that opponents can freely express themselves in Djibouti.

For more information or an interview, please contact the media team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Dir: +41 22 734 10 08).

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