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Vision & Values

Alkarama's Vision

"An Arab world where all people live in dignity, free and protected by the rule of law"

Our vision is of an Arab world where everyone can demand respect for all rights, without fearing for his life, liberty or physical integrity. A world where the rights of all people living under the jurisdiction of a State are effectively protected by law and where leaders are accountable to their people, respect domestic laws and ratified international human rights treaties.

By "Arab World", we refer to a geopolitical entity, namely the Arab League's Members States. With this qualification, Alkarama recognises and respects the diversity of these countries' societies, be it ethnic, cultural or religious.

In our conception, "to live in dignity" means that every human being deserves unconditional respect, inherent to the human condition in the spirit of Article I of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states that "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."

By "free and protected", we hold that all individuals should have the right to enjoy the fundamental freedoms outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, freedoms which should be guaranteed by law and protected by the country's leaders.

Finally, the "rule of law" refers to a power structure characterised by a government freely elected by its citizens, the principles of separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers and of equality of all before the law, and where leaders are accountable to their people of the responsibilities vested in them. This power structure must also ensure compliance with domestic laws by ensuring their compatibility with the country's international obligations, including in the implementation of human rights.


Alkarama's Values

Dignity: Respect is owed to every human being (simply because he is human).

  • Dignity with which we treat the victims of violations that appeal to us, striving to ensure the best conditions for processing of their cases (to act quickly, to listen, be compassionate, etc.).
  • Dignity in the treatment of our employees, ensuring them working conditions as good as they possibly can be, and involving them as much as possible in matters concerning the Foundation.
  • Dignity in how we address our interlocutors: even those who have committed crimes or violated the rights of another are entitled to respect for their dignity.

Independence: Faculty to act freely, without constraint or injunction from a political or ideological entity whatsoever. The refusal of any external directive, wherever they come from, if they are in contradiction with the universal principles of human rights or the missions and values of the Foundation.

  • The Foundation's action plan does not obey to political, ideological or financial pressures. The Management designs it after an effective and detailed consultation with the Staff and Advisory Committee, and on the basis of an objective study of the realities and human rights issues in the countries. The strategy is implemented after approval by the Council.
  • The Foundation refuses any financing with conditions that go against our values or the interests of the victims, or which come from governments or entities that commit serious human rights violations, or which are directly or indirectly involved in conflicts in the region.
  • Interaction with all the parties, without exception, which make up civil society.

Non-discrimination: Equal treatment and consideration of people, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, and religious, political or ideological beliefs.

  • Equal treatment for all victims of violations who appeal to us, to the extent that these violations fall within our mandate, without further consideration.
  • Refusing all discrimination in the management of our human resources.

Integrity: Staying true to our principles and values, and being professional.

  • To act in the interests of the organisation and of the victims of violations.
  • To act professionally every day, in applying clearly established principles of good governance.
  • Report on our work

Justice: Ensuring the rights and duties of everyone equally.

  • We demand the application of the law equally to all, in a transparent and egalitarian manner.
  • We support the establishment of the rule of law with an independent judiciary.

Nonviolence: A strategy to fight injustices that rejects the use of violence.

  • Having chosen the Law to fight injustices, we never advocate the use of violent action.
  • As part of our mission, we may defend the rights of people who have committed acts of violence. In any case, this should not be interpreted as support or legitimisation of such acts, or adherence to the political or ideological orientations of the victims of violations that we defend.