Alkarama submitted their cases to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, asking them to intervene with the Saudi authorities so that the two men are freed or given legal protection. The Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights while Countering Terrorism has also been informed of their situation.
Chérif Al Karoui, a 41-year-old French national, is a tradesman and lives in Paris, France. Hichem Matri, a 31-year-old French national, is the director of a plumbing company and lives in the area around Paris.
Mr Al Karoui and Mr Matri were working together to set up a restaurant in Riyadh and therefore went to Saudi Arabia with a regular visa with the intention of formalising their investment with local authorities.
However, they were arrested by agents from the general intelligence services (Al Mabahit) in Riyadh on 27 May 2010, the day before their intended return to France, in circumstances are not clear because of their current situation.
At the time of their arrest, they were not informed of the reasons for it and were driven directly to an unknown destination where they were briefly interrogated on their identity and the reasons for their trip. They were then taken to Al Hayr prison where they are currently being held in separate cells, totally cut off from the outside world.
They were only told by a person who appeared to be an officer from the intelligence services that they were 'suspected of terrorism', without even being told either the authority or the country that expressed such 'suspicion' or the charges against them.
They asked to appear before a judge or a legal authority to be formally charged, but the authorities maintained that they had to wait for a decision to be made on their fate.
They also asked for a visit from a lawyer or the French consul to receive consular assistance but this was also opposed.
On 24 June 2010 they were finally allowed to telephone their respective families who they informed for the first time of their situation and the facts reported at present.