Saudi Arabia - Reports

YEM - News

Yemen : Release of 17 Young 'Revolutionaries' Arrested following the Attack against former President Saleh

YEM - News | 07 June 2013
Seventeen young 'revolutionaries' were finally released from Sanaa central prison yesterday morning following 3 weeks of hunger strike which they undertook in protest at their almost 2-year arbitrary detention. On Tuesday 4 June, medical sources and human rights activists told Alkarama that their health condition was deteriorating rapidly.

Yemen: American and Yemeni activists protest together against drone attacks and indefinite detention in Guantanamo

YEM - News | 18 June 2013
Yesterday, 17 June 2013, Yemeni and American activists organized a sit-in in front of the American embassy in Sanaa to protest against drone attacks in the context of American counter-terrorism policy, and to denounce the inability of the Obama administration to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. This campaign, launched under the slogan "Human Dignity" in April 2013 by Alkarama and other human rights organizations in Yemen, aims for the closure of Guantanamo and Bagram detention centers. Several members of Code Pink, a pacifist American organization, joined Alkarama and Hood yesterday to show their support to the families of Guantanamo detainees and pay a tribute to the victims of American airstrikes.

"Drones War in Yemen": Report presented to UN experts

YEM - News | 01 July 2013
Mohammed Al-Ahmady, Alkarama's representative in Yemen Alkarama and Hood presented a report containing information on ten U.S. air strikes in Yemen between 2009 and 2013 to two UN experts.

On 24 January 2013, UN Special Rapporteur on Counter Terrorism Ben Emmerson, launched an inquiry "into the civilian impact, and human rights implications of the use drones and other forms of targeted killing for the purpose of counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency" in Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, and the OPT. The investigation, carried out by ten UN experts, including Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial executions Christof Heyns, aims at "determining whether there is a plausible allegation of unlawful killing" in those cases where individuals are killed by drone strikes. The results of these inquiries will be presented at UN General Assembly's next session in October 2013.

Yemen: Al Haudali Family Fears Retaliation From Saudis for Participation in Documentary

YEM - News | 03 May 2013

The Al Haudali family, of Yemeni origin but based in Saudi Arabia for the past 50 years, have informed Alkarama that they had been threatened and harassed by the Saudi authorities since a documentary film aired recently on the satellite channel "Al Asr" talking about the tragic story that this family was subjected to at the hands of Saudi Arabia's Security services. The documentary retraces their arbitrary detention in Saudi Arabia followed by torture and mistreatment, and ending with their forcible deportation to Yemen.

Yemen/ USA: End use of 'targeted killings' in Yemen, investigate civilian deaths

YEM - News | 22 May 2013

Yemen Drones Rada As US President Barack Obama prepares to give a long awaited speech tomorrow regarding his administration's counter-terrorism policies, Alkarama and the Yemeni based NGO "HOOD" today submitted to two UN experts detailed information from investigations the organizations carried out into the US strike, an attempted 'targeted assassination', in Radaa on 2 September 2012 resulting in the death of twelve civilians.