Saudi Arabia - Reports

YEM - News

Yemen: Is Ahmed Al-Masraba still alive after 30 years of disappearance?

YEM - News | 25 July 2013
Ahmed Al-Masraba, a 66 year-old Yemeni from Wusab, Dhamar governorate, was arrested and disappeared on 17 December 1981 in the midst of the Cold War, but his family was never given any official reason or explanation. The recent release of Mr Al-Iryani - a fellow citizen disappeared in the same conditions some 27 years ago and freed a few months ago from Belad Arrous secret prison – led Al-Masraba's family to rekindle the hope that he might still be alive, and detained in the same terrible conditions that Mr Al-Iryani was subjected to.

Yemen : Implementation of Key Human Rights Committee recommendations falls short

YEM - News | 26 July 2013
More than a year following its review by the UN Human Rights Committee – responsible for mentoring implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – Yemen has failed to implement priority recommendations highlighted as urgent, Alkarama noted in a report provided to the Human Rights Committee during its 108th session which finished today. Yemen has also demonstrated lack of will to cooperate with the Committee, as it has not provided any follow up information on how it has taken steps to implement urgent recommendations, information which is 3 months overdue already.

Yemen: High-profile Journalist Haider Shaye Released after 3 Years of Detention and Torture

YEM - News | 24 July 2013
Yesterday afternoon, on 23 July 2013, around 5 pm local time, Yemeni investigative journalist Abdulillah Haydar Shaye was released from the Political Security Prison in Sanaa following a presidential amnesty. Detained arbitrarily for 3 years, he was subjected to torture, mistreatments and an unfair trial. Our representative reports that he was freed on the condition that he stay within the country under house arrest for two years.

Yemen: Alkarama UPR Report Highlights Ongoing Violations despite Transition

YEM - News | 17 July 2013
Despite significant undertakings by several ministries in Yemen, a number of serious human rights violations continue in the country, Alkarama's most recent report on Yemen said. Submitted to the United Nations' Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights earlier this month, in view of Yemen's second Universal Periodic Review by the UN Human Rights Council, the report highlighted Alkarama's main concerns – namely impunity, extrajudicial executions in the context of counter-terrorism operations, especially through the use of U.S. drones, use of torture and terrible prison conditions as well as arbitrary detentions, the failures of the justice system, as well as attacks on freedom of expression, namely the harassment of journalists.

Yemen/USA: Investigate execution of four civilians in US airstrike on Wussab

YEM - News | 11 June 2013
On 17 April 2013 at 8.30 pm, two violent explosions from missiles fired by U.S. drones were heard in the village of Midhlib, Dhamar district, 150 km south of Sana'a. Four Yemeni civilians aged between 20 and 40, traveling in a 4x4 vehicle, were killed. The apparent target was an alleged terrorist known under the name of Najm Al-Din Ali Adallah Al-Ra'i. He was not amongst the four occupants of the car.