Saudi Arabia - Reports

YEM - News

Yemen: Release of Mohammad Muthana 10 Months after the End of his Prison Sentence

YEM - News | 01 October 2014

Alkarama welcomes the release of Mohammad Muthana Al Ammari by the Yemeni authorities on 30 September 2014, 10 months after he finished serving his two-year prison sentence for participating in demonstrations.

Yemen: two French-Tunisians citizens held incommunicado since May 2014

YEM - News | 02 July 2014

Alkarama sent an urgent appeal to the Special Rapporteur against Torture concerning two French-Tunisians, Aissaoui Taha and Ben Ayed Mourad, arrested and secretly detained in Yemen since May 2014.

Yemen: Jamil Al Dabibi disappeared from Sana'a central prison

YEM - News | 30 June 2014

On 24 June 2014, Alkarama submitted a communication to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearance regarding the case of Jamil Al Dabibi, a young father of four, who used to work as a mechanic and motorcycle-taxi driver.

Yemen: Tariq Alamoodi, arbitrarily detained since 21 months

YEM - News | 27 June 2014

Alkarama referred to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the case of Tariq Saeed Abdullah Saleh Alamoodi, arrested on September 2012 and arbitrarily detained since then in Sanaa without ever being brought before any judicial authority.

Yemen: Second Cycle of Yemen UPR; no particular progress for Human Rights despite several commitments

YEM - News | 20 June 2014

The Human Rights Council adopted yesterday the report for the second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review of Yemen. This mechanism involves for every United Nations member state to be reviewed on the situation of Human rights in their country.