Saudi Arabia - Reports

IRQ - News

Iraq: Surge in Human Rights Violations Overshadows Second UPR

IRQ - News | 18 March 2014

Alkarama has submitted its report in view of the Universal Periodic Review of Iraq, which will take place in October 2014. This report provides information on Iraq's implementation of recommendations accepted during its first review in 2010, with a particular focus on the issues of torture, arbitrary detention, extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances, freedom of peaceful assembly as well as human rights violation in the context of counter terrorism.

Iraq: No Justice Six Months After 91 Demonstrator Deaths in Hawijah

IRQ - News | 23 October 2013


Today marks the six-month-anniversary of what is commonly referred to as the Hawijah Massacre, which took place at Hawijah, Kirkuk, Iraq, on 23 April 2013. Information provided to Alkarama and the Iraqi Organization for Human Rights, suggests that the Iraqi Armed Forces, Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) units, and police forces used excessive force to disperse a sit-in in Hawijah, which lead to the deaths of 91 civilians and another 254 injured. Efforts to investigate these events have thus far been frustrated by the Iraqi authorities, and we therefore call on them to promptly and impartially investigate these incidents of extrajudicial killing and to prosecute those believed to be responsible for the killings of protesters.

Iraq: Two Yemenis appear in Court after years of arbitrary detention and mistreatment

IRQ - News | 03 May 2013
images-stories-Iraq_Prison-299x211 Rashid Al-Masuri and Hamzah Ahmad Yahya, two Yemeni citizens who are detained in Iraq, are scheduled to appear in front of an Iraqi court on 20 May 2013, following years of arbitrary detention and mistreatment.

Iraq: Imminent risk of torture of Shawki Omar during frequent transfers

IRQ - News | 24 May 2013


Arriving in Iraq in the hope to find a job in the context of efforts to rebuild the country, Mr Shawki Ahmed Omar was arrested in Baghdad in 2004. At the time subjected to severe torture and subsequently imprisoned after a grossly unfair trial, he remains in detention until this day. When Alkarama was informed that he was again severely beaten in November and December 2012, we informed the Special Rapporteur on Torture about his case on 30 January 2013. Concerns for his physical and mental integrity run again high after we learned that, three days ago, he was taken away from his cell and his current whereabouts remain uncertain.

Iraq: UN calling for the release of 48 non-Iraqi detainees of Al Soussa Prison

IRQ - News | 27 February 2013

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) has issued Opinion No. 43/2012 requesting the release of the 48 individuals of non-Iraqi origin, detained in Al Soussa Prison, as it finds their detention to be "arbitrary" based on information submitted by Alkarama. The detainees were subjected to severe torture and subsequently condemned to heavy sentences of imprisonment without a fair trial.