Saudi Arabia - Reports

IRQ - News

Iraq: Death Under Torture of Former Vice President Tariq Al Hashimi Security Personnel

IRQ - News | 03 July 2015

On 12 June 2015, Alkarama sent an appeal to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions (SR SUMX), Christof Heyns, asking him to urgently call upon Iraq to investigate the death of 40-year-old father and member of former Vice President, Al Hashimi's security personnel, Amir Al Batawi, who died under torture in Baghdad on 15 March 2012.

Iraq: National Human Rights Institution Gets B Status to Mark Non-Compliance with International Standards

IRQ - News | 03 June 2015

On 2 June 2015, the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights (IHCHR) – the Iraqi National Human Rights Institution (NHRI), created in April 2012 – was awarded the "B" status by the International Coordinating Committee of NHRIs (ICC) to mark the Iraqi NHRI's non-full compliance with the Paris Principles – a set of international standards relating to the status of NHRIs. To Alkarama, which had called upon the ICC to award it the "C" status to mark its full non-compliance of the Iraqi HCHR with international standards, the ICC's decision is a "vote of encouragement" to a newly created NHRI which must quickly incorporate the recommendations made by the ICC's Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA) that reviewed the IHCHR in March 2015.

Iraq – URGENT APPEAL: Electrocuted and Sexually Abused by Army, Now at High Risk of Being Sentenced on Sole Basis of Confessions under Torture

IRQ - News | 28 May 2015

On 20 May 2015, Alkarama and Al Wissam Humanitarian Assembly sent an urgent appeal to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture (SRT) regarding the case of Mohammed Abbas Kadhim Al Sudani, a 29-year old married worker and an agent in the intelligence services of the Mosul federal police. Arrested in the middle of the night from his house in Baghdad in November 2014, Al Sudani was secretly detained for almost six months, a time during which he was subjected to severe torture. Currently detained in Taji prison, north of Baghdad, he remains at high risk of torture, and of being sentenced on the sole basis of confessions extracted under torture.

Iraq: University Professor Disappeared for over 1 Year after Arrest by Baghdad Counter Terrorism Force

IRQ - News | 26 May 2015

On 8 May 2015, Alkarama in cooperation with Al Wissam Humanitarian Assembly sent an urgent appeal to the United Nations Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED) regarding the case of Riyadh Ibrahim Yacob Al Obaidi, a 54-year-old professor from Al Nisour University College, Baghdad University, who has been missing since his arrest by the Counter Terrorism Force in Baghdad in May 2014.

Iraq: UN Human Rights Committee Adopts List of 26 Issues in View of the Country's Review in October 2015

IRQ - News | 22 May 2015

During its 113th session held in March 2015, the United Nations Human Rights Committee (HRCttee) – a body of 18 independent experts that monitors implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) by its State parties – adopted a List of 26 Issues to be discussed during Iraq's fifth review in October-November 2015. In particular, the HRCtte asked Iraq to answer questions related to the State's counter-terrorism measures, use of the death penalty, practice of torture and incommunicado detention, and fair trial procedures. The State party is due to provide its answers in writing before then.