Saudi Arabia - Latest Press Releases

EGY - News

Egypt: Dr. Ashraf Abdel Ghaffar’s detention prolonged for the sixth time

EGY - News | 17 September 2009
On 15 September 2009, Dr. Abdel Ghaffar's detention was prolonged for a further 15 day period. The 6th such extension since his arrest on 2 July 2009.

Egypt: Abdullah Awad, held for 2 months incommunicado, tortured by SSI

EGY - News | 11 September 2009
Abdullah Awad was arrested on 25 March 2009 at his home in Al-Arish, northern Sinai, by State Security Intelligence (SSI) and held incommunicado for 2 months at their headquarters in Nasr City, Cairo, during which time he was brutally tortured.

Egypt: Reappearance of the two Egyptian teachers who disappeared on 1 September 2009

EGY - News | 15 September 2009

Alkarama has learned that the two teachers, Ghannam Said Mahmoud and Alaa Issa, who were disappeared by the Egyptian State Security Intelligence from Al-Arish on 1 September 2009, reappeared on 10 September 2009. On the same date, they were detained under an administrative order by the Minister of Interior and transferred to Wadi Natroun Prison #2.

Egypt: Mr Magdi Marei beaten to death by police

EGY - News | 07 September 2009
The lifeless body of Mr Magdi Marei was thrown from a police car on 11 July 2009 near the village of Arimon in Al-Beheira Governorate, in the northwest of Egypt. Previous to this, several of his family members were brutalized and part of his brother's house was demolished.

Egypt: Two torture victims held in Al-Arish

EGY - News | 08 September 2009
Alkarama has received information from Egypt regarding two individuals arrested on 1 September 2009, currently held incommunicado at State Security Intelligence (SSI) headquarters in Al-Arish, Northern Sinai.

Saudi Arabia - HR Instruments

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)


Convention against Torture (CAT)

CAT: Accessed on 23.09.1997
Optional Protocol: No
Art. 20 (Confidential inquiry): No
Art. 22 (Individual communications): No

State report: Overdue since 22.10.2006 (2nd)
Last concluding observations: 12.06.2002

International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance (CED)


Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

Last review: 10.2013 (2nd cycle)
Next review: -

National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
