YEM - News

Yemen: Hammam Al-Dobii is disappeared by State Security forces

YEM - News | 01 April 2010
Mohamed Hammam Al-Dobii was abducted on 23 March 2010 in Sanaa by plain clothed Intelligence Services officers. He was arrested without a warrant and taken to an unknown destination.

Yemen: 10 people arbitrarily detained in Al-Hadida province

YEM - News | 23 March 2010
Throughout 2009 numerous arrests have been made in the Al-Hadida province under the pretext of the so-called "War on Terrorism". The student community and political activists have been particularly affected.

Yemen: Ahmed Bamuallim sentenced to 10 years imprisonment

YEM - News | 23 March 2010
Alkarama has just received news that Ahmed Bamuallim, former MP and a political opposition figure in Yemen, was sentenced on 23 March 2010 to ten years imprisonment by the Specialized State Security Court on charges of violating national unity.

Yemen: Scores of arbitrarily detained prisoners go on hunger strike inside Mukalla Political Security Prison

YEM - News | 16 March 2010
Nearly 50 detainees inside Mukalla Political Security prison in Hadramawt province, southern Yemen, have entered a hunger strike in protest of their continued imprisonment by the Yemeni security authorities who have never charged them or taken them to court.

Yemen: Ahmed Bamuallim illegally imprisoned for nearly one year

YEM - News | 05 March 2010
Ahmed Bamuallim, a well-known Yemeni political opponent and member of the "Southern Movement" (Al-Harak Al-Janouby), was summoned by the Director of Military Intelligence on 15 April 2009 and has since remained in custody. In condemnation of his continued arbitrary detention, Alkarama sent his case to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on 5 March 2010.