Press Releases

Egypt: Release of Dr. Gamal Abdel Salam, Muslim Brotherhood member, detained 5 months without charge

EGY - News | 13 November 2009
Dr. Gamal Abdel Salam was released following his detention for 5 months without charges. This comes in the context of continued waves of arrests in Egypt of members and leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood. Alkarama submitted the cases of 112 Muslim Brotherhood detainees to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on 27 October 2009.

Libya: Abdelatif al-Raqoubi released from Abu Slim prison

LBY - News | 12 November 2009
The Libyan Committee for Truth and Justice has informed Alkarama of Abdelatif al-Raqoubi's release from Abu Slim prison on 15 October 2009. The committee thanked Alkarama for its efforts on Mr al-Raqoubi's behalf, and championed the continued efforts of human rights defenders' work in Libya.

Yemen: Alkarama takes part in peaceful sit-in in Sana'a for families of arbitrary detainees in Hadramout

YEM - News | 10 November 2009
Guards at the headquarters of the Political Security forces in Sana'a prevented media representatives and journalists from recording a peaceful gathering in front of the security headquarters on 10 November 2009. The sit-in was organised by families from the governorate of Hadramout, in collaboration with a representative of Alkarama in Yemen, to call for the release of arbitrary detainees from the political security prison in the city of al-Mukalla, in south-east Yemen.

Yemen: Alkarama attends CAT review, Yemeni delegation absent

YEM - News | 03 November 2009
For only the second time in the history of the Committee against Torture (CAT), a periodic review took place in absence of the State party delegation - the first being Cambodia's initial review on 29 April 2003. Alkarama was present for Yemen's CAT review on 3 November 2009, for which it had submitted a Shadow Report. The Committee's experts unanimously deplored the absence of the Yemeni delegation - further adding to this the fact that the representative of Yemen's Permanent Mission to the UN was also not present.