Press Releases

JOR - News

Jordan: Professor Amjad Qourshah Arbitrarily Detained for Comments on Jordan's Participation to the International Coalition Against the IS

JOR - News | 19 July 2016

On 13 June 2016, Amjad Qourshah, 48-year old assistant professor in comparative religions at the University of Jordan and famous presenter in TV and radio shows, was arrested for "disturbing relations with a foreign country" for having posted a video online about two years ago criticising the participation of Jordan to the international coalition led by the USA against the Islamic State (IS). Concerned over the fact that Qourshah's detention is motivated solely by an act of free speech, on 15 July 2016, Alkarama sent his case to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression (FREEDEX) demanding him to call upon the Jordanian authorities to immediately release him.

Jordan: Arbitrary Detention of Student Tortured by the Intelligence Services and Subjected to a Flawed Trial Before the State Security Court

JOR - News | 07 June 2016

On 15 February 2016, 21 year-old student Adam Al Natour, a Polish and Jordanian binational, was sentenced to four years in prison by the State Security Court after a flawed trial during which confessions he was forced to sign under torture were used against him. Concerned over the arbitrariness of his detention, Alkarama raised his case with the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) to demand that the UN experts call upon the Jordanian authorities to release Adam Al Natour immediately.

Jordan: Release of Eyad Qunaibi After One Year in Detention for a Facebook Post

JOR - News | 18 May 2016

On 17 May 2016, Professor Eyad Qunaibi was released from Muwaqqar II prison where he was detained for "incitement against the political regime," for a having published a Facebook post criticising, among others, his country's ties with Israel and the "westernisation of Jordanian society". The previous day, the State Security Court reduced Qunaibi's sentence from two to one year of imprisonment – which he had already served – and ordered his release. While welcoming Qunaibi's release, Alkarama regrets that the State Security Court failed to recognise that he was arbitrarily detained for having exercised his right to freedom of expression and did not acquit him.

Jordan – Abdulmalik Abdelsalam disappeared from Amman International Airport since 27 February 2016

JOR - News | 02 May 2016

On 27 February 2016, Abdulmalik Mohammad Yousef Abdelsalam, a 26 year-old Jordanian university student, after having served a prison sentence in Lebanon, was deported from Beirut to Amman Queen Alia International Airport, where he disappeared. Concerned over his fate, Alkarama sent an Urgent Appeal to the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID), in the hope that it will help shed light on his whereabouts.

Jordan: 57-year-old Mahdi Suleiman forced to forfeit his right to assembly after protesting against the detention of his son

JOR - News | 04 April 2016

Mahdi Saleh Suleiman is forced into a car by policemen Jordanian Police arrested Mahdi Suleiman, 57-year-old, on 18 February 2016, in front of the Israeli Embassy in Amman, while he was peacefully protesting against the arbitrary detention of Palestinians by the Israeli authorities, including his son, Mohammed Mahdi Saleh Suleiman, who was arrested in 2013 at the age of 16, tortured and later sentenced by a military court to 15 years in prison for “attempting to kill Israeli settlers by means of throwing stones” following an unfair trial.