Press Releases

Other Countries - News

Israel : The Issawi family, a life of persecutions

Other Countries - News | 11 June 2014

Issawi FamilyFor nearly 10 years now, the Issawi family has not been durably reunited. Because of the political activism of their children, the Issawi's parents have seen them successively arrested or questioned by the Israel police. The latest ones, Shireen, a young lawyer, and her brothers, Shadi and Medhat, were arrested in March 2014 by the Israel police.

Will the USA pledge to respect the right to life overseas?

Other Countries - News | 12 March 2014
YEM MuradSubay WhyDidYouKillMyFamilyGraffiti produced by Yemeni artist Murad Subay

Initially scheduled in October 2013 and postponed due to the government shutdown, the review of the fourth periodic report of the United States of America (USA) by the UN Human Rights Committee will finally take place in Geneva on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 March 2014. This review will be the opportunity for the UN's experts to assess the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) by the USA and to establish a dialogue with the U.S. delegation based on contributions from multiple civil society actors. On this occasion, Alkarama calls on the U.S. authorities to put an end to extrajudicial killings in Yemen and reminds them of their duty to respect the right to life of every human being, be it inside or outside its borders.

The Arab world needs bridge building, not terrorist listing

Other Countries - News | 05 February 2014
The Arab world is in need of people who build bridges between communities and promote non-violent political action: learning to negotiate, disagree peacefully and compromise. Such people help build stable democracies, ensure respect for human rights and keep extremism at bay. Today, these individuals, and civil society in general, are under attack by authoritarian forces throughout the region. If the United States wants to promote stability and fight terrorism, it should avoid breaking these bridges and taking sides with those attacking such people. Designating them as terrorists is doing the opposite.

Sundance Award-winning documentary on US covert counter-terrorism operations 'Dirty Wars' in Geneva

Other Countries - News | 14 October 2013
Screening organized by Alkarama at Cinémas du Grütli, Geneva, Switzerland, Thursday 17 October 2013 , 7:30 pm – Free entry

It's the dirty little secret of the War on Terror: all bets are off, and almost anything goes. Drone strikes, night raids, and U.S. government–condoned torture occur in corners across the globe, generating unprecedented civilian casualties. Investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill traces the rise of the Joint Special Operations Command, the most secret fighting force in U.S. history, exposing operations carried out by men who do not exist on paper and will never appear before Congress. From Yemen to Afghanistan... 'Dirty wars' follows Jeremy Scahill in his international investigation into the USA's expanding covert wars

Geneva : Alkarama briefs diplomats on Jordan and Saudi Arabia priority recommendations for the UPR

Other Countries - News | 03 September 2013
The second review of Jordan and Yemen under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) will take place in October 2013. In preparation of the review, Alkarama will brief country representatives of its priority recommendations during the UPR-Info organized 'pre-session briefings' on 4 September 2013.

Having submitted information for inclusion in the summary of NGO information for both Jordan and Saudi Arabia, Alkarama will seize this opportunity to highlight key concerns regarding the human rights situation in both countries.

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