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14 October 2013

Sundance Award-winning documentary on US covert counter-terrorism operations 'Dirty Wars' in Geneva

Screening organized by Alkarama at Cinémas du Grütli, Geneva, Switzerland, Thursday 17 October 2013 , 7:30 pm – Free entry

It's the dirty little secret of the War on Terror: all bets are off, and almost anything goes. Drone strikes, night raids, and U.S. government–condoned torture occur in corners across the globe, generating unprecedented civilian casualties. Investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill traces the rise of the Joint Special Operations Command, the most secret fighting force in U.S. history, exposing operations carried out by men who do not exist on paper and will never appear before Congress. From Yemen to Afghanistan... 'Dirty wars' follows Jeremy Scahill in his international investigation into the USA's expanding covert wars

'Dirty Wars' was planned to be screened in partnership with the Center for Constitutional rights in the framework of the review of the United States by the UN Human Rights Committee originally scheduled on 17-18 October 2013.

Although the review was postponed till March 2014 due to the US current government shutdown, Alkarama chose to maintain the screening of 'Dirty Wars' as this will be an occasion to shed light on US counter-terrorism operations in Yemen which blatantly violate international law. Alkarama will also seize this opportunity to launch License to kill, Why the American Drone War on Yemen violates international law, its public report which presents the results of its field research and analysis on the US strategy in its 'war on terror' - more specifically on the use of targeted killings in Yemen - with respect to international law.

The screening will be followed by a discussion on Alkarama's work on human rights violations committed by the United States in Yemen. This will be moderated by Karim Sayad, Alkarama's Regional Legal Officer for the Gulf region.

Watch the trailer here

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