Morocco - Latest Press Releases

YEM - News

Yemen: Ammar and Fadel Fawaz arrested and illegally detained for several months

YEM - News | 23 April 2010
Ammar and Fadel Fawaz, two bothers from Sana'a, were arrested on separate occasions in December and August 2009 and are currently illegally detained at Sana'a's Political Security prison.

Yemen: Arbitrary detention of nine people, three of them for over two years

YEM - News | 14 April 2010
On 13 April 2010, in a communication to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Alkarama submitted the cases of nine individuals arbitrarily detained in Yemen. Three of the victims have been detained inside Al-Mansoura central prison in Aden for over two years, and have never been the subject of any legal proceedings.

Yemen: Al-Saadi brothers arrested by Political Security forces during house raid

YEM - News | 12 March 2010
The two brothers Osama, 14 and Mohammed Al-Saadi, 17, were arrested on 13 October 2007 and incommunicado for two months and then later detained without being subject to any legal proceedings for 18 months. They were eventually tried in January 2009 and Osama, whose sentence ended in October 2009, remains in custody.

Yemen: Sadman Hossain disappeared en route to Sana'a International Airport

YEM - News | 26 April 2010
On 14 February 2010, Sadman Hossain was kidnapped by political security agents as he was heading on foot towards Sana'a International Airport with his sister Rifat. He has since disappeared.

Yemen: Hammam Al-Dobii's reappears, arrest confirmed

YEM - News | 10 April 2010
Alkarama has just learned that Hammam Al-Dobii, previously abducted on 22 March 2010, has reappeared inside Sana'a Political Security prison. Following his abduction he was to an unknown destination.

Morocco - HR Instruments

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

ICCPR: Ratified on 03.05.1979
Optional Protocol: No

Last State report: Overdue since 07.07.2015
Last concluding observations: 01.12.2004

Convention against Torture (CAT)

CAT: Ratified on 21.06.1993
Optional Protocol: Accessed on 24.11.2014
Art. 20 (Confidential inquiry): Yes
Art. 22 (Individual communications): Yes

Last State report: 30.06.2013
Last concluding observations: 21.12.2011

International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance (CED)

CED: Ratified on 14.05.2013
Art. 33 (Inquiry procedure): Yes

State report: Overdue since 14.06.2015
Last concluding observations: N/A

Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

Last review: 05.2012 (2nd cycle)
Next review: -

National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)

Conseil National des Droits de l'Homme (CNDH) – Status A

Last review: 10.2010
Next review: 11.2015