14 June 2011

Egypt: Release of the political prisoner Nabil El-Maghribi

Nabil El-Maghribi

Alkarama has learned that the Egyptian authorities released Mr. Nabil El-Maghribi on June 2011. He had been taken to prison as a young man in the prime of his life, more than thirty years ago; he leaves as an old man of more than seventy.

Mr. Nabil El-Maghribi is considered to be the oldest political prisoner in Egypt. He was arrested in 1979 on charges of plotting to overthrow the government, then further charged with the assassination of President Anwar Sadat in 1981 even though he was in prison at the time, for which he was sentenced to hard labour for life.

To make matters worse, he was charged in other cases which happened while he was in prison, and sentenced to many further years of imprisonment.

Nabil El-Maghribi before being arrested
Alkarama congratulates Mr. Nabil El-Maghribi on his release, and calls upon the Egyptian authorities to hasten to examine the cases of all prisoners thrown into prison by the former regime on ready-made charges and unjust sentences, and to implement a complete break with all the pre-revolutionary practices contrary to the basic principles of human rights - especially given that Alkarama has noted many cases of torture currently being practiced by the army against demonstrators.

Morocco - HR Instruments

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

ICCPR: Ratified on 03.05.1979
Optional Protocol: No

Last State report: Overdue since 07.07.2015
Last concluding observations: 01.12.2004

Convention against Torture (CAT)

CAT: Ratified on 21.06.1993
Optional Protocol: Accessed on 24.11.2014
Art. 20 (Confidential inquiry): Yes
Art. 22 (Individual communications): Yes

Last State report: 30.06.2013
Last concluding observations: 21.12.2011

International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance (CED)

CED: Ratified on 14.05.2013
Art. 33 (Inquiry procedure): Yes

State report: Overdue since 14.06.2015
Last concluding observations: N/A

Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

Last review: 05.2012 (2nd cycle)
Next review: -

National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)

Conseil National des Droits de l'Homme (CNDH) – Status A

Last review: 10.2010
Next review: 11.2015