Mauritania - Reports

KSA - News

Saudi Arabia: On one-year anniversary in prison, prominent human rights defenders are on hunger strike

KSA - News | 09 March 2014

KSA Riyadh QahtaniAlHamid After Hearing Credits SultanAlfifi On 9 March 2013, Abdullah Al Hamid and Mohammad Al Qahtani, two prominent Saudi human rights defenders, were sentenced by the Riyadh Criminal Court to heavy prison sentences for inter alia "disobeying the ruler", "inciting disorder", "setting up an unlicensed organization" and having shared "false information presented as facts to official international bodies". On Monday 3 March 2014, they began a hunger strike to protest against the conditions of their detention in Al-Hayer Prison where they are currently imprisoned. On the 1st anniversary of their sentence, Alkarama urges the Saudi authorities to immediately release them as they are solely detained for having peacefully expressed their opinion and defended the most basic rights of their fellow citizens.

Saudi Arabia: UN experts declare detention of Yahya Shaqibel arbitrary

KSA - News | 05 February 2014
The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has found the detention of Yemeni national Yahya Shaqibel in Saudi Arabia is arbitrary, violating his right to liberty and freedom of religion. They call on the Saudi authorities to release him and provide him with compensation for his unfair detention.

On 30 June 2013, Alkarama submitted the case of Yahya Hussein Ahmad Al Shaqibel, a 33 year-old Yemeni national, to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. Mr Al Shaqibel was arrested in October 2009 by unidentified Malaysian security forces on demand of Saudi intelligence services (Mabahith) while on a business trip in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Following his arrest in Malaysia, he was transferred to Saudi Arabia where he was arrested upon arrival in Riyadh. After almost four years of arbitrary detention, he has been accused of 'khariji' - meaning he does not follow the same Sunni Islam ideology as the official Saudi interpretation - and terrorism. In light of the arbitrary nature of his arrest and detention, Alkarama requested the Working Group examine the case to ascertain the arbitrary nature of his detention.

Saudi Arabia: 4 years after the country's first human rights NGO founded, 8 of its members are behind bars

KSA - News | 23 January 2014
Four years ago, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, eleven human rights activists founded the Saudi association for civil and political rights (ACPRA), an independent human rights organization focusing on the immense issue of arbitrary detention in the kingdom. Despite a court order for its dissolution, ACPRA has been determinedly working with families of victims, encouraging them to stand up for their rights and file lawsuits against the Interior Ministry. Four years after its creation, eight of the organisation's members - all of whom have been cooperating with the UN human rights mechanisms - are behind bars with sentences of up to 11 years of imprisonment for insulting the judiciary. After Saudi human rights defenders Mohammad Fahad Al-Qahtani, Abdullah Al-Hamid, Mohamed Saleh Al-Bjadi, Abdulkarim Youssef Al-Khodr, Suleiman Ibrahim Al-Rashudi, Omar Al-Said and Saleh Al-Ashwan, Fawzan Al-Harbi is the latest activist detained by the Saudi authorities as a result of his human rights work.

Saudi Arabia: Risk of torture of Yemeni national arrested on his pilgrimage to Mecca

KSA - News | 03 October 2013
Tawfiq Ahmad Ali Al Sabary, a 32 year-old Yemeni national from Dhamar, was arrested while on his way to pilgrimage at Mecca on 11 June 2013 by Saudi police officers without an arrest warrant. He is currently detained in Al Madina prison and has not been charged, nor brought before a judge since his arrest. As detainees are often imprisoned for years without judicial proceedings, amounting to cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment, Alkarama fears for Mr Al Sabary' physical and mental integrity and requests his immediate release.

Saudi Arabia: President of cultural association detained for promoting critical thinking

KSA - News | 02 October 2013

Zakaria Mohamed Ali, president of a cultural association in Saudi Arabia, was arrested without a warrant on 20 April 2013 in Riyadh by Saudi intelligence services. Since then, he is illegally detained in Dhaban prison, Jeddah. His crime? Promoting critical thinking and cultural exchange between Saudi Arabia and Japan...