Mauritania - Reports

KSA - News

Saudi Arabia: Khaled Al-Rashed sentenced to 15 years in prison after an expedited trial

KSA - News | 09 April 2009
Al-Karama has been informed that when Khaled Al-Rashed, a member of the so-called "reformers", appealed his prison sentence, it was immediately tripled. He was arrested in 2006 and sentenced to 5 years' imprisonment in a trial held behind closed doors.

Saudi Arabia: Detention and mistreatment of Dr. Al-Basher

KSA - News | 15 April 2009
Dr. Al-Basher, professor at the University of Riyadh, where he resides, has been detained incommunicado since 15 March 2007. For two years, other than a single visit, his family knows nothing of his future. Al-Karama sent on 14 April 2009 an urgent appeal to the Rapporteur on torture and requested the Working Group on arbitrary detention, asking them to intervene with Saudi authorities.

Saudi Arabia: Dr. Al-Faleh’s detention defined as arbitrary

KSA - News | 06 April 2009
Al-Karama recently received the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention's opinion 37/2008 dated 21 November 2008 regarding the arrest and detention of Dr. Al-Faleh. Arrested on 19 May 2008 by the intelligence services (Al-Mabahith) and held incommunicado at the Al-Hayr prison near Riyadh, he was released in early January 2009.

Saudi Arabia: Thamer Al-Matiri arbitrarily detained since 2 November 2008

KSA - News | 29 March 2009
On 2 November 2008, Thamer Al-Matiri, a Kuwaiti citizen, was arrested without a warrant by the Saudi intelligence services (Al-Mabahit Al-Aama) 2008 at Jeddah airport. Al-Karama informed the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention of this on 27 March 2009, asking it to intercede with the Saudi authorities.

Saudi Arabia: Severe condemnation for the arbitrary detention of Dr. Said Bin Zair

KSA - News | 30 March 2009
The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has informed Al-Karama of opinion 36/2008, of 21 November 2008, in which it finds serious violations of the rights of Dr. Said bin Mubarak bin Zair, secretly detained since his arrest on June 6 2007 by the intelligence services.