Mauritania - Reports

MOR - News

Morocco: Prisoners Transferred en masse to Kenitra Central Prison

MOR - News | 12 October 2010
Alkarama has been informed that early on Saturday 9 October 2010 Moroccan authorities forcibly transferred between 89 and 140 detainees (according to sources) from prisons in Tangiers, Fes, Meknes, Souk Larbaa, Ben Slimane, Okacha prison complex in Casablanca, and El Jedida to a new building in Kenitra Central Prison.

Morocco: Abductee Remains Disappeared, Authorities Deny Arrest

MOR - News | 27 July 2010
Rachid Almakki was abducted by intelligence officers on 23 April 2010 in Casablanca and taken to an unknown location.

Morocco: Forced Confessions Threaten Heavy Sentences

MOR - News | 28 June 2010
Alkarama has just been informed that both Younes Zarli and Said Ezziouani are being held at Salé prison. While in custody they were held in incommunicado detention and subjected to torture, before ever receiving their indictments. They were originally abducted in Casablanca on 11 and 12 April 2010 by officers of the Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (DST).

Morocco: Several detainees reappear following weeks incommunicado detention

MOR - News | 06 June 2010
During the last two months Alkarama submitted the cases of eight individual disappearances to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID). The disappearances and connected to the so-called "fight against terrorism". In the last several months, the Moroccan authorities have launched several waves of arrests, during which many people have been held in secret detention.

Morocco: Mohamed Boutarfas and Zouhair Benkassou abducted from their homes in Rabat

MOR - News | 07 May 2010
On 1 May 2010, two engineering students, Mohamed Boutarfas, 22, and Zouhair Benkassou, 23, were abducted from their homes by plain clothed intelligence officers in Rabat and taken to an unknown destination. They are now disappeared and it is feared that they are held incommunicado and exposed to torture.