Libya - Reports

LBY - News

Libya: Families of victims of the Abu Salim prison massacre targeted in attack

LBY - News | 19 April 2010
The families of the victims of the Abu Salim prison massacre went out to demonstrate on Saturday, 17 April 2010, just as they go out every Saturday. Their peaceful protest consists of marching in front of Benghazi Court demanding that the Libyan government disclose the facts and events surrounding the June 1996 massacre. However, on this fateful Saturday, the Libyan authorities decided to lashback. A government supported families' association for the prison guards and police involved in the massacre rallied a counter-protest and attacked the victims' families.

Libya: FREED - Al-Rabassi, serving 15 year sentence, is released

LBY - News | 10 March 2010

Arrested at his home on 3 January 2003 by agents of Interior Security, Abdenacer Al-Rabassi had previously been sentenced to 15 years imprisonment by a special court after having sent a controversial email to the Editor in Chief of the Arab Times. He was recently released on 8 March 2010 and has since returned to his home in Beni Walid.

Libya: Jamal Al-Hajji, human rights defender, arrested after submitting complaint regarding violations

LBY - News | 18 December 2009
Human rights violations are ubiquitous in Libya and Jamal Al-Hajji, a 54 year old human rights activist, did not shy away from exposing the systematic abuses carried out by the Libyan authorities. During the past few years, Mr Al-Hajji has been the frequent target of harassment by the security services after bringing to light various human rights violations committed by the Libyan authorities. Questioned in November 2009 regarding a complaint he submitted to the Libyan Justice Minister, he was eventually arrested by State Security services on 9 December 2009 and transferred to Jdeida prison in Tripoli, where he remains to date. His family has still not been able to visit him.

Libya : Salem Saleh Ahmeed released after 25 years behind bars

LBY - News | 03 December 2009
On 25 November 2009, Libyan authorities released Saleh Salem Ahmeed after having served nearly 25 years behind bars. Mr Ahmeed was arrested on 3 November 1986 on fabricated murder charges. During the arrest, his house was ransacked and burned. He was then sentenced to life imprisonment in what has been described as an unfair trial and his right to appeal was immediately rejected.

Libya: Abdelatif al-Raqoubi released from Abu Slim prison

LBY - News | 12 November 2009
The Libyan Committee for Truth and Justice has informed Alkarama of Abdelatif al-Raqoubi's release from Abu Slim prison on 15 October 2009. The committee thanked Alkarama for its efforts on Mr al-Raqoubi's behalf, and championed the continued efforts of human rights defenders' work in Libya.