21 March 2008

Arab Charter on Human Rights: Written in 1994, it is enforced in 2008

Alkarama for Human Rights, March 21, 2008

The Arab Charter on Human Rights was adopted by the Arab League in 1994. It has been signed by only one state, Iraq, among the 22 members of the League. None of them had ratified it. An updating process has been initiated and led to an amended and adopted version by the Arab summit in Tunis in 2004.
The Arab Charter on Human Rights entered into force on March 16, 2008, 60 days after ratification of the seventh member state of the Arab League.

States that have ratified the document are: Algeria, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Libya, Palestine and Syria.

An Arab Committee on Human Rights will be implemented for a period of four years. It is composed of representatives from seven states and will examine reports on human rights in Arab countries.

The initial reports of States must be submitted within one year from the date of entry into force of the Charter and a report must be provided every three years to the Committee. These reports are examined in a public meeting with the presence and participation of representatives of the State concerned. The committee makes recommendations to the States.

The Committee shall submit an annual report to the Council of the League in which are grouped its observations and recommendations.

The Arab Charter on Human Rights has attracted much comment and criticism.

Kuwait - HR Instruments

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

ICCPR: Accessed on 21.05.1996
Optional Protocol: No

State report: Due 02.11.2014 (3rd)
Last concluding observations: 22.12.2011

Convention against Torture (CAT)

CAT: Accessed on 08.03.1996
Optional Protocol: No
Art. 20 (Confidential inquiry): No
Art. 22 (Individual communications): No

Next State report: Due on 03.06.2015 (3rd)
Last concluding observations: 28.06.2011

International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance (CED)


Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

Last review: 05.2010 (1st cycle)
Next review: 2015 (2nd cycle)

National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
