
Alkarama in the Media

Articles | 24 October 2014











Geneva: Four NGO Recommendations for GA Treaty-Body Strengthening Process

Articles | 09 March 2012
Today, 24 international and national human rights organizations addressed recommendations to the UN General Assembly member states, in response to a surprising turn of events in the UN Treaty Body strengthening process. The process, known as the Dublin process, which had been progressing successful since late 2009, was undercut by a surprising Russian-tabled resolution requesting the President of the General Assembly (PGA) to launch an intergovernmental process to conduct negotiations on strengthening and enhancing the effective functioning of the treaty body system. Even more concerning, the initial draft limited NGO interaction to those with ECOSOC accreditation, despite the fact that participation of treaty body work is open to all members of civil society.

American Muslim's Case Poses a Test

Articles | 23 March 2009
One day last July, Naji Hamdan was summoned to the U.S. Embassy in the United Arab Emirates. He drove two hours through the desert heat from Dubai to answer questions from FBI agents who had arrived from Los Angeles, where Hamdan had gone to school, started a family, built a successful auto-parts business and become a U.S. citizen.

The mysterious case of Mohamed al-Dainy

Articles | 15 March 2009
The authorities claim he planned a suicide bombing in parliament. His allies insist the Iraqi MP is a respected human rights campaigner. But no one knows what has happened to him.

By Robert Fisk

The Independent : Secrets of Iraq's death chamber

Articles | 08 October 2008
Prisoners are being summarily executed in the government's high-security detention centre in Baghdad. Robert Fisk reports

Like all wars, the dark, untold stories of the Iraqi conflict drain from its shattered landscape like the filthy waters of the Tigris. And still the revelations come.

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