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How We Work

Alkarama - How we work Alkarama - How we work

Alkarama documents cases of violations committed in the Arab world, through regular contact with the victims themselves, their families and relatives, as well as lawyers and the civil society organisations.

Based on the information collected, we engage the various UN human rights protection mechanisms, asking them to intervene with the State concerned to put an end to these violations.

In particular, we send letters of allegation to the UN Special Procedures for individual cases; we submit shadow reports to treaty bodies (the Human Rights Committee, the Committee against Torture and the Committee on Enforced Disappearances) or to the Human Rights Council in the framework of the Universal Periodic Review. All these mechanisms issue recommendations for improving the human rights situation of in a given country, recommendations which can then be used by the civil society to call for their implementation.

Alkarama also gives a voice to the victims or their families by sharing their stories as well as the opinions or recommendations issued by the various UN organs on their cases, whether on the Alkarama website or on social networks. This media work often plays an important role in improving the situation of the victims of violations.