Egypt - Reports

TUN - News

Tunisia : Dr Sadok Chourou will be judged on appeal on 14 March 2009

TUN - News | 11 March 2009
Dr Sadok Chourou, former president of the Tunisian political movement Al Nahdha was arrested on 3 December 2008 after having just been released on 5 November after 18 years of detention. He had given several interviews a few days before his questioning. On 13 December 2008, the Court of First Instance of Tunis sentenced him to one year in prison. Dr Chourou has decided to appeal this condemnation. On 14 March 2009, he will appear in court again. Alkarama sent on 19 December 2009 a communication to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and to the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression to request their intervention in the case of Dr Sadok Chourou. (See communiqué).

Tunisia: New arrest for Dr Chourou, released a month ago after 18 years of arbitrary detention

TUN - News | 19 December 2008
Alkarama addressed the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and the Special Rapporteur on the freedom of opinion and expression today, to request their intervention in the case of Dr Sadok Chourou. The former president of the Tunisian political movement Al Nahdha was arrested on 3 December 2008 after having just been released on 5 November after 18 years of detention. He had given several interviews a few days before his questioning.

Tunisia before the Human Rights Council: Offensive “pseudo NGOs” and tailored recommendations

TUN - News | 13 June 2008
Alkarama for Human Rights, June 13, 2008

The current session of the Human Rights Council is devoted to the adoption of the country's final reports submitted to the universal periodic review (UPR) in April-May 2008. Under this procedure Alkarama had presented a report on Tunisia. On Monday, June 9, the recommendations addressed to Tunisia have been adopted by members of the Human Rights Council.

Tunisia: The Human Rights Committee notices grave violations of fundamental rights

TUN - News | 11 April 2008
Alkarama for Human Rights, April 11, 2008

The Human Rights Committee (HRC) of the United Nations reviewed the fifth periodic report of Tunisia on 17-18 March 2008 and issued its concluding observations on March 28. The Committee notices significant violations of the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. We summarize here a few of the remarks.

Tunisia: The Council on Human Rights will examine the situation of human rights

TUN - News | 10 March 2008
AlKarama for Human Rights, March 10, 2008

The Council on Human Rights meets on April 8, 2008 to carry out the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on Tunisia. AlKarama has thus submitted its contribution, within this framework, on Nov. 20, 2007.
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