Egypt - Reports

KWT - News

Kuwait: Stateless person prevented from attending university abroad

KWT - News | 19 April 2016

ID photo of Ahmad Jaber Ahmad Ali Matar Jaber, 32, is a stateless person, or “bedoon”, who was born in Kuwait. He pursued a career as a linguist and in 2015, received proposals from renowned universities to continue his academic life abroad. He was offered a scholarship attached to a teaching assistant position in the West Virginia University, a seat at the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, and was accepted for a postgraduate degree at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. After deciding to accept one of these offers, Ahmad left his job in Kuwait.

Kuwait: UN Human Rights Committee Raises 27 Questions with Kuwaiti Authorities Ahead of Review in July

KWT - News | 27 January 2016

As a State Party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), Kuwait will be reviewed by the Human rights Committee (HRCtee) during its third review in July this year. The HRCtee, a monitoring body of 18 independent experts, will discuss the country's implementation of the rights enshrined in the ICCPR. In this regard, the HRCtee adopted, on 4 December 2015, a list of 27 issues to be discussed during the review. Among the main concerns raised is compulsory DNA collection, the death penalty and the practice of torture, discrimination against Stateless persons known as the Beduns, the lack of independence of the judiciary and the violent crackdown on peaceful gatherings severely restricting the right to freedom of speech and assembly.

Kuwait: New Cyber Crime Law Disrespects Freedom of Expression

KWT - News | 25 January 2016

On 12 January 2016, Kuwait's new Cyber Crime Law no. 63, which contains provisions that severely restrict freedom of expression on the internet, came into force. Several human rights NGOs criticised this law, as its broad definitions can be used to punish peaceful opposition and dissenting voices. In a State where fundamental rights and freedoms are extremely restricted, the enactment of such law is particularly concerning. Alkarama, therefore, denounced this law to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression (SR FRDX), David Kaye, on 27 January 2016, asking him to call upon the Kuwaiti authorities to repeal it.

Kuwait: Student Extradited to Egypt at Risk of Torture and Trial by Military Tribunal

KWT - News | 23 November 2015

On 19 November 2015, Alkarama sent two communications, one to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (SRT) and one to the UN Working Group on Enforced Disappearances (WGEID), regarding the case of 20-year-old Egyptian student Omar Abdulrahman Ahmed Youssef Mabrouk, who was extradited to Egypt, where he is at high risk of torture and trial by a military tribunal, on 2 November 2015. Before Omar's extradition, Alkarama had sent an urgent appeal to the SRT, requesting him to urge Kuwaiti authorities to reject Egypt's request for extradition and to release him immediately.

Kuwait: Student at High Risk of Torture if Extradited to Egypt

KWT - News | 27 October 2015

On 23 October 2015, Alkarama sent an urgent appeal to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (SRT) regarding the case of 20-year-old Egyptian student Omar Abdulrahman Ahmed Youssef Mabrouk, who disappeared after his arrest by State Security forces in Kuwait City in early October 2015.

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