Egypt - Latest Publications

UAE - News

UAE: Concerns for Safety of 'UAE 94' Confirmed as International Observers Prevented from Attending Second Hearing

UAE - News | 13 March 2013
The first and second hearings in the trial of the UAE94 were held on March 4th and 11th respectively, with international observers prevented access. Reports from the trial have raised alarm bells that fair trial norms are still not being respected. The UAE should allow international legal experts  to monitor the trial of the UAE94 and investigate the defendants' allegations of torture and mistreatment.

UAE: Unfair trial concerns confirmed as observers denied access to court room

UAE - News | 04 March 2013
UAE_Relatives_Of_Detainees_Moving_to_gate Abu Dhabi - Earlier today, a delegation of 20 international observers representing various international NGOs was denied access to the trial of 94 activists which was scheduled at 10:00 this morning at the Federal Supreme Court in Abu Dhabi. This further restriction seems to clearly demonstrate a will by the authorities to conceal the violation of some of the most basic guarantees to a fair trial in the first hearing of these 94 individuals. This weekend, delegates from Amnesty International and the Alkarama Foundation coming to observe the trial had already been refused entry to the country. 

UAE: Human rights observers blocked from entering country worsens fair trial concerns in the 'UAE94' case

UAE - News | 03 March 2013

UAE_Detainees_Mosaic_binrabeiah_2012_2013 Abu Dhabi - Ninety-four peaceful activists are due to be brought before the Federal Supreme Court in Abu Dhabi tomorrow morning, Monday 4 March 2013, on state security offences. Limited access to lawyers, withholding of evidence and details on the charges by the State Prosecution, no right to appeal the court's decision, detentions in undisclosed locations... Before the trial even began, flagrant flaws in the 'UAE94' case have been reported, recalling the irregularities which marred the case of the 'UAE5' in 2011. The refusal to allow Ms Noemie Crottaz, from the Alkarama Foundation and Mr Ahmed Nashmi Al Dhufeiri, Amnesty International lawyer, to enter the country in order to observe the trial aggravates our concerns about the fairness of this trial.

UAE : 25 year-old Jordanian tortured and imprisoned on false accusations in Abu Dhabi

UAE - News | 30 January 2013
Rami Al-Mrayat, a 25 year-old Jordanian citizen and former employee of the Gulf aircraft maintenance company, was arrested by the Emirati security services on 19 November 2011 at Abu Dhabi International Airport while he was about to return to his country. Tortured and held in secret detention for almost 5 months, he was transferred to Al-Wathba prison in Abu Dhabi on 4 April 2012. Four months later, the young man was sentenced to five years of imprisonment following a trial which was solely based on confessions extracted under torture.

UAE: Human rights groups call for an end to the crackdown on human rights defenders and political activists as UPR begins

UAE - News | 28 January 2013

Today, the human rights record of the United Arab Emirates will be reviewed by the UN Human Rights Council as the situation in the country continues to deteriorate. On this occasion, the undersigned organisations call on Human Rights Council member-states to urge the United Arab Emirates to put an end to the current crackdown against peaceful human rights defenders and political activists and to honour its commitments as a newly elected member of the Human Rights Council to "uphold[s] the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights" (UN General Assembly resolution 50/251 para. 9).

Egypt - HR Instruments

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

ICCPR: Ratified on 14.01.1982
Optional Protocol: No

State report: Overdue since 01.11.2004 (4th)
Last concluding observations: 28.11.2002

Convention against Torture (CAT)

CAT: Accessed on 25.06.1986
Optional Protocol: No
Art. 20 (Confidential inquiry): Yes
Art. 22 (Individual communications): No

State report: Due on 25.06.2016 (initially due in 2004)
Last concluding observations: 23.12.2002

International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance (CED)


Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

Last review: 02.2010 (1st cycle)
Next review: 2014 (2nd cycle)

National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)

National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) – Status A

Last review: 10.2006
Next review: Deferred